Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Amy Engleman
  • Female
  • Dacula, GA
  • United States
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Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Wilby - English Goldendoodle
2 Labs, Bailey and Hazel
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
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Comment Wall (7 comments)

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At 6:46am on January 25, 2015, staci said…
We are looking at the smaller boy size but I'm not even sure we can tell this early if they will be bigger when they grow up. Like if they are one of the bigger ones now will it continue that way? I will take tons of pictures!
At 9:13am on January 24, 2015, staci said…
I know I am sure it is hard to just see them through pictures we are lucky to be able to go. We met both Shyla and chase and they are awesome friendly dogs that are clearly loved and we'll cared for. We go see them on Sundays and we still look forward to the puppy Thursday picture! We are torn as well my kids like certain ones and my husband and I each have a favorite but then we go and hold another one and that is our favorite for the week! I am more than happy to tell you all about our visit up until now they have been sleepy cuddly puppies but I think tomorrow they will be even more playful.
At 7:18am on January 24, 2015, staci said…
Sorry I meant we have 3 boys from the litter that we like but would be happy with any of them. This is our first doodle we had a newfie and a berenese years ago so we wanted less to no shedding and smaller in size! We are close so Colleen let's us visit so we have seen the puppies a few times and they really all are adorable and good with our two kids. We are going tomorrow to see them before pick day.
At 6:03am on January 24, 2015, staci said…
I believe we are pick number 4 but number two for boys..we have 3 we would be happy with they are all adorable so it won't matter I'm sure. We are going to visit and will make our final decision. How about you?
At 7:10pm on January 23, 2015, staci said…

Yes we are getting a boy from that litter! It is fun to see other dogs on here from hug a bear.

At 10:52am on January 23, 2015, staci said…


Did you ever get a response about who the parents of the other hug a bear goldendoodles are on this site? I just joined are you getting a boy or a girl?

At 3:17pm on November 16, 2014, Susan & Randy's Kate said…

Tis the season.  Hope Kate is ready for dress up.



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