Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Chris Houtchens
  • Male
  • Colorado Springs, CO
  • United States
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  • Jaime Bond
  • Jeff Thomas

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Harley and Kirby's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
My wife Megan and I fell in love with Harley just by the picture we saw. When we went to pick out out pupy we didn't think we'd get the one we liked. I recognized him right away but wanted my wife to make the final decision. She played with the dogs and finally made a connection with one. I asked which one he was on the website and he was in fact the one. Me and Harley have been inseparable ever since.
We work in the yard and watch TV together. He goes to work with me some days but usually goes to Day Care. I love to watch him run out of day care to greet me when I pick him up. We go for jetski rides and he like when I chase the ducks for him. He enjoys going fast , too.
I am looking forward to Harley's first winter. We are in Colorado so I will be posting a lot of snow pics. Thanks to everyone that takes the time to check us out.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Labradoodle, Harley
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
The low shedding, the general disposition, and they're just so cute.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
cuddle on the floor, bike rides, jet ski rides.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Villa Dog Grooming
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

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At 8:23pm on January 4, 2009, Jaime Bond said…
Oh Brodie loved the snow! After the initial excitement was over and he had played for more than an hour in both the front and back yards, he would pretend to have to go to potty (he goes to the back door and paws the blinds once or twice) only to go lay in the snow, thats all! He's such a goof. The colder it is, the better as far as he's concerned. Unfortunately he's now a desert dog. We try to get him to Utah a few times a month during the summer where its cooler. We are going to start training him as a bird dog this spring (we'll see how that goes, he's a little old now to start training). If he does well, then he'll start spending a great deal of time in cold weather when the bird season starts. I see that Harley already loves the water! Brodie won't go in higher than his shoulders yet, but my husband is now working for the department of wildlife and is stationed at Lake Mead so we're hoping Brodie will have more chances to get out and swim this summer. Well, please keep in touch and have a wonderful new year!
At 12:03pm on January 4, 2009, Jaime Bond said…
Hi Chris, My name is Jaime and my husband is Randy. Very nice to hear from you! Its great that you're a guardian home for Maila. She is so supportive and caring for all her puppies! Yes, Brodie is huge...two weeks ago he weighed in at a healthy 80 pounds! His vet said he could easily put on another 20, but its hard to say because he's a mixed breed. I just ran into another couple with a labradoodle that was 120lbs. He is such a joy to us, but an 80lb dog with puppy energy and mentality is sometimes challenging. Harley is so cute, I see a lot of similarities in the brothers. My husband calls Brodie our little see otter when he plays and sleeps on his back:-) By the way, how big is Harley now, and is he mouthy? Brodie is very mouthy despite his training. It deterrs some people and other dogs, but he never applies pressure. Socializing him has been a challenge, but we're getting there. Well, thanks for getting in contact with us, take care and keep in touch!
At 8:59pm on September 27, 2008, Jeff Thomas said…
Hi Chris, Harley looks like he is Brewsters bro! Next time you are in the Summit County, shoot me a note and maybe we can get the boys together for a hike or romp in the park!
At 3:49pm on September 25, 2008, Charyl said…
Hi Chris, Forgive me for taking so long to reply. We will have to try to get together later in October as our Journey Girl is scheduled for surgery next week. It is interesting that you thought that the rough play may be due to the size of the litter as we thought the same thing. Journey still mouths us and loves to jump up. She plays very rough with my husband and I which we try not to encourage. It sounds like she is a bit smaller than Harley which is normal since she is a female. I think she weighs about 34 or 35 lbs. now. She is very shy around other dogs but since attending puppy kindergarten, she has gotten a bit better socialized. I will try to download some pictures of her soon. Take care and let's connect around the 20th of October or so....
At 8:44pm on September 21, 2008, Adina P said…
Just looking at your photos ...Harley is adorable =)
At 7:29am on September 21, 2008, Charyl said…
Thanks for the email, Chris. Yes, I would love to get our two together. We live in the northwest part of the Springs. Maybe we could meet at a Park somewhere between us.
At 3:51pm on September 20, 2008, Janie said…
You are welcome. You have a beautiful dog!
At 9:53am on September 19, 2008, Janie said…
At 7:24am on September 19, 2008, Adina P said…
Welcome Chris! You'll have a wonderful time here... Harley is a cutie! Do add more photos =)
At 7:12pm on September 18, 2008, Joannie said…
Welcome to DoodleKisses, Chris and Harley! Feel free to post pictures, join discussions and ask questions. You'll find lots of friendly doodle people here. It doesn't say where you're from, but there's lot of regional groups you can join too.


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