Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Deeann Roesser
  • Female
  • Folsom, CA
  • United States
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Deeann Roesser's Discussions

Doodle Romp

Started Mar 8, 2016 0 Replies

Hi all, I am planning a doodle romp on Saturday, April 9th at the Folsom dog park, in Folsom, CA. I'm trying to reach anyone who lives in the Sacramento, El Drado and Placer Counties. I have put the…Continue

Doodle group in my area

Started this discussion. Last reply by Deeann Roesser Nov 4, 2014. 4 Replies

Does anyone know of a group in Sacramento or Placer Counties? I would like to get Ginger together with other Doodles for play dates and friendships.

New Member

Started this discussion. Last reply by Laurie, Wally & Charlotte Nov 17, 2014. 10 Replies

Hi everyone,I just joined Doodle Kisses after having my medium Goldendoodle, Ginger for a little over a month.  The discussions have been so helpful in letting me know that her behaviors are normal…Continue

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Deeann Roesser's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I just retired from 28 years with a school district and my husband will retire next year. We have both owned dogs throughout our lives and are excited to raise a Goldendoodle puppy. We live near Folsom lake and there are many walking trails for us to take advantage of.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Ginger is our only Doodle/pet at the moment. She is 3 months old and is already so much a part of our family. She is energetic, smart and so loving! Everyday is better than the one before.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We chose a doodle because of the no/low shedding, plus we want a family dog that is good with children since we have two granddaughters. We are also an active family and want a dog that loves to run, play and swim.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Walking, jogging, playing fetch and napping on the sofa.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
A professional groomer
Favorite Doodle Products?
Kong, Bully Sticks, balls, Snuggle Puppy
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

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Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 9:36am on December 3, 2014, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

Hi Deeann ~ I noticed your post in Puppy Madness.  You might start a discussion rather than just a post, you might get more responses.  IMO ~ your little girl was probably on overload mentally and physically.  Years ago, I took our standard poodle to a resort for a week because we had to leave town for an emergency.  I called them several times, they said he was doing well.  However, when we picked him up, he could hardly walk.  We went straight to the vet and after examination, she told us he was totally dehydrated and it was a good thing we came home when we did.  When I called the resort, they said all dogs drink when they are thirsty but that is not true if they are uncomfortable and nervous or on overload.  He had to have a hydro pack inserted into his neck and after several days and a lot of tlc he was his old self, but we almost lost him.  If you think you do want to use a daycare, or ?? you might try just an hour here and there and then extend the time frame.  I see on this site many doodle owners whose dogs are over the top active, neither of mine are and they do not like the dog park.  Both prefer to play ball 5 or 10 minutes a few times a day and a 30 minute walk and the rest of the time they like to nap and follow us around.  That being said mine are no longer puppies, they are 4 and 2.  But when they were puppies, neither of them were over the top energetic - just very sweet puppies.  I see you recently joined DK and just want to say welcome.  Your little Zoey is very cute. 

At 8:26am on November 18, 2014, Gayle & Hunter said…
Thank you so much for commenting on Hunter, he is a really sweet boy. Ginger also looks so very sweet.
At 8:10am on November 3, 2014, Lynda Kamrath said…

Ah,  so Ginger is a California girl!  And you and your husband are retired (or about to be retired).   Joanne suggested joining some California groups and I know that Folsom Lake is a little way from us, but you are welcome to join us anytime.  We are in Monterey County and love the beaches here.  I have three doodles today and the numbers vary. Take a look at my photos and you can meet all my dogs.  I am also a retired teacher.  By the way, is Folsom still a lake?  It is terrible what has happened to California.  We were so happy to see some rain this weekend.



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