Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

  • Male
  • Richland, WA
  • United States
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Eric's Page

Profile Information

What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
A 85 pound F1 Labradoodle named Nellie, and a 18 pound Cockapoo named Suzi
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
play fetch in the river, hiking (she carries some stuff!)
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
I do
Favorite Doodle Products?
Nylabones, rubber hunting dummies, dog boots, tennis balls, The Furminator
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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 6:54pm on February 9, 2012, Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie said…

I am so sorry to hear about Nellie. This is such a tragedy for your family. I hope you get some comfort from love and support we are sending.  I am so glad that you have Suzi to hug.

At 7:50pm on February 8, 2012, Tina, Clover, Plus 5 More said…

Eric, so sorry to hear you lost Nellie.  I know how heartbreaking it can be to lose your best friend.  No words can help, only time.  Keeping you and your family in my thoughts.  Sending Doodle Hugs

At 7:47pm on February 8, 2012, BG and Gavin said…

So sorry for your loss Eric.  Nellie was a beautiful girl.

At 4:49pm on February 8, 2012, Lisa, Daisy & Dexter said…

So sorry you lost Nellie's just unbearable sometimes. Hugs to you.

At 4:44pm on February 8, 2012, John Van Mason and "SUGAR" said…


At 8:29pm on October 2, 2011, John Van Mason and "SUGAR" said…

Nice looking dogs Eric, Nelly is a good pack dog!  Suzi has an attractive under bite too.


Sugar says hey!

At 5:44pm on January 25, 2009, Karen & Lucy said…

Glitter Graphics -
At 4:37pm on January 22, 2009, Janie said…
At 9:20am on January 22, 2009, Adina P said…
Thule is almost 4 years old. But there are many Thule look-alikes out there-- it's a common labradoodle look for a black labradoodle.
At 4:34am on January 22, 2009, Adrianne Matzkin said…


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