Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Kathleen Boutiette
  • Female
  • Everett, WA
  • United States
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  • Melissa Lowman

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Profile Information

About Me:
I am 52 and never had a puppy before due to bad allergies to dogs. I am at a place in my life where I can afford the money and time to have a puppy.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We have a 5 month old Multi Generation Australian Labradoodle girl named Abigail. Abbi for short. She is about 18 lbs now and will be around 24-28 lbs we think :) We got her at 13 weeks old. She just completed and passed puppy school. She is very smart and starting to be really social around people.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I needed an dog that was great with allergies. I love poodles and labs so this was the best of both worlds.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Playing with her, walking her. Take her on car trips. Having her cuddle with me. She loves playing fetch. She loves helping around the house!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Favorite Doodle Products?
Balls, freebies, tug a war toys, any thing that makes sounds, crate for her bed, her dog coat to keep her dry and warm in the Washington State winters.
Relationship Status:
Would you be willing to Dog Sit on occasion for other DoodleKisses members? (You are NOT committing to anything by saying yes - you are just saying you might be willing to do this if you were acquainted with the other member and the circumstances were right.)

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At 8:49pm on December 11, 2013, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

Kathleen ~ I do not know why they love yarn so much.  Charlie Brown will be 3 this month and he no longer gets things that he should get!  However, his little brother Beau is still in that puppy phase.  The 0ther day he got into my closet where I keep my yarns and he was so quiet I went to look for him and he was on the bed covered in charcoal alpaca!  He looked too funny to even scold him and I did not have a camera or my iphone handy!  It has been quite cold here with winds and we have not been out walking for a couple of days!  He needs to get out for sure tomorrow!  I am crocheting my daughter a hat and almost have it done!  Good luck on getting the sweater done and happy holidays!

At 7:53pm on December 11, 2013, Linda, Charlie Brown and Beau said…

Hi Kathleen ~ Your little Abbi is a doll!  I used to live in Edmonds and then about 6 years ago we retired east of the mountains to enjoy more sunshine.  We have two ALDs.  Did you get Abbi from a WA breeder?  When you get a chance be sure to check out the groups section on the main page and join as many as you like.  Welcome to Doodle Kisses!



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