First breeder in Massachusetts. I run a small program in Western Ma that serves the pups individual needs one litter at a time. Raise healthy loving dogs from the start up. I have a background in animal care and visual art. Pups are socialized by my two young children.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Australian Multi-generational Labradoodles.
3 Dogs, 1 cat and a flock of chickens.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Intelligently bred dog, non shedding, good genetics, smart, loves to learn and highly intuitive, funny. They have all of the qualities I was looking for in a canine companion and as a dog breeder . I wanted to share this with the world.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
I like to run, walk and hike with the dogs. My kids play games and teach tricks to our dogs. They love to sleep with us and snuggle. These dogs are members of the family and are extremely devoted and tuned in to you. Aniticipate cues.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:
At 4:32pm on November 19, 2008, Karen & Lucy said…
I just checked out your web site. Gorgeous puppies. You should not have any problem finding forever homes for all of them. What a GREAT Christmas present to find under the tree
At 5:08pm on November 18, 2008, Karen & Lucy said…
Welcome! to doodle kisses. Enjoy the groups and different forums, have enjoyed meeting lots of nice people and they all have the common love of doodles. Talk to you soon T
Through your website :-)
I saw you post on one of the breeder forums, checked to see if you were already a member here, and when I saw you were not I thought "I'd better invite her!"
At 9:12am on November 17, 2008, Patty Barnes said…
Thanks, Kathryn. I look forward to being "friends."
Welcome to doodlekisses, Kathryn! I hope you enjoy our fun community :-)
Please have a look around, check out our many groups, and feel free to invite your puppy families. Some breeders have formed alumni groups on here to keep in touch with their puppy families... You might enjoy that too! And for help in navigating around the site you can watch our FAQ videos.
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[ - *Glitter Words*]
I saw you post on one of the breeder forums, checked to see if you were already a member here, and when I saw you were not I thought "I'd better invite her!"
Please have a look around, check out our many groups, and feel free to invite your puppy families. Some breeders have formed alumni groups on here to keep in touch with their puppy families... You might enjoy that too! And for help in navigating around the site you can watch our FAQ videos.
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