Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Kristi McElroy
  • Female
  • Seville, OH
  • United States
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  • Margaret & Pebbles
  • Lynette  Main

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About Me:
I am an avid animal lover : ) I grew up in a family that raised poodles and I love the breed! I own 2 Old English Sheepdogs, a rescued one-eyed cat, and 2 rescued feeder fish!
I am married and have 4 grown girls!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
I have two Old English Sheepdogs. We bred Sylvia with a Standard Parti Poodle and have 10 one day old Sheepadoodles!
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
I looked everywhere for a Sheepadoodle and couldn't find any in the area. In the mean time I met a OES breeder and went to see her litters. I ended up with two gorgeous girls and am going to breed my own sheepadoodles! The poodle is such a smart and loyal dog and the Sheepie is so sweet and loving I know they will be the best of both. And they are almost always 100% non-shedding and hypoallergenic.
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Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 1:09pm on November 25, 2013, Lynda Kamrath said…

I know your litter was from earlier this year, but are you expecting another litter?  I am thinking my next puppy will be a sheepadoodle.  I prefer a mid-sized dog, so how large are they?  My vet says that large breed dogs have more medical issues, and I have to agree after two experiences with medical problems.  Groucho Too is 85 pounds and recently diagnosed with cancer.  I have an ALD who is 50 pounds and he seems like the perfect size.

At 9:25am on March 4, 2013, Margaret & Pebbles said…

OMG Rosie has beautiful coloring!  How many are spoken for?

At 9:07am on March 4, 2013, Margaret & Pebbles said…

Just sent you a friend request!

At 8:04am on March 4, 2013, Margaret & Pebbles said…

Kristi I own a 4 year old sheepadoodle.  Your pups are beautiful.  I also live in Ohio.

At 8:02am on February 21, 2013, Lynette Main said…

Kristi,I don't know your father, but my kids all went to Elida and still live there. I moved to Shawnee. My sons are Curt Moore,Josh Swift,and daughter,Brooke Moore Featheringham.Curt and Brooke have kids that  also go to Elida. What a small world it is.

At 8:21am on February 10, 2013, Lynette Main said…

Kristi,who is your Dad? I have lived here my whole 62 years and I know a lot of people.Your puppies are beautiful and your right about the pricing. I was on a site for groomers and the groomers were committing about sheepadoodles and the outragus  pricing for a mix breed dog. Also the high prices of just Doodles from $300. to $ 2500. Thats nuts. They are really cute though hahah... I'm not sure my husband would agree a a forth doodle in this house. Me...yep. Keep  posting pictures maybe I can twist hubby arm..

At 6:39pm on February 8, 2013, Lynette Main said…

Your doodles are beautiful.I would love to have one someday. the ones I looked into were way out of my price range.They sure are cute. We have three Goldendoodles and live in Lima Ohio. Keep posting pictures so we can watch them grow...

At 8:31am on February 7, 2013, Joanne ~ Spud* said…
Hi Kristi,
So nice to have you here on DK!
I live in Akron ( Portage Lakes area), and did my dog training in Seville at Buckeye Training.
I also had a SheepDoodle ( rescued as a Labradoodle). I adored her so very much.
Would love another one day.
Again, Welcome!!
At 7:32pm on February 6, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Welcome to Doodle Kisses Krisit!  Your Sheepadoodles are just precious.  Ten of them, how fun, but lots of work too!  Stella and Sylvia are beautiful and I love the look on Stella's face in the slideshow!  Enjoy this site with lots of information and also lots of fun!  Check out the groups and discussions, they are amazing!  Have fun (literally with your puppies) and enjoy DK!



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