Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Lisa Consiglio
  • Female
  • Southbury, CT
  • United States
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  • Ann Kendig

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What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Cream labradoodle
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
family and allergy friendly
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
play fetch
Does your doodle(s) shed?
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At 7:29pm on April 5, 2010, Ann Kendig said…
That's great that they can play together and that you get to watch Molly's littermate grow up. I wish I could see what my dog's litter mates look like. I contacted the breeders but they said that no one sent them any pictures.
I did check out the website. Thanks for the information!!!! Do you or your mother know what Forrest's coat color is called? I have no idea what Sheba's coat color is called and since Forrest has a similar color I thought maybe you or your mom may know. Thanks again Lisa!!
At 5:50pm on April 5, 2010, Phoebe's Mom said…
We just had the scare of our lives just now as Phoebe ran after my daughter and my son accidently let go of her leash., Talk about scary! Thankfully, she ran two houses down and I lured her back--she has terrible recall--with my son's new biking gloves! Whew. As for the matting, I had a terrible time with that and I wanted to keep her long as I love the fluffy doodle look. I did, however, heed the advice of the groomer whom I love and had Phoebe clipped to two inches. It makes ALL the difference in the world. Her ears mat a little but with brushing and the dematting comb, life is so much easier now with the fur shorter and she looks even more precious to us now. Good luck!
At 5:49pm on April 5, 2010, Ann Kendig said…
Forrest has coloring much like my goldendoodle Sheba. I have seen very few with her coloring. I figured he was probably a labradoodle. Do you have any pictures of their parents? Do you know what color coat the poodle had? How often do Molly and Forrest get to play together? It is expensive having two dogs! I have had spent so much money on vet visits for my two! Sigh... But they are great dogs and we love them!!!!
At 5:26pm on April 5, 2010, Ann Kendig said…
Hi Lisa, I really don't have to much of a problem with Duke's coat matting, thankfully! (Sheba's either) The only I do have a problem with Duke's is when he is chewing due to his allergies. I put a conditioner on after their baths and I think it helps. I very seldom brush them. They both will be getting a summer hair cut soon. (Yikes) I love the long fur but it's far to hot for the summer. Your doodle is adorable! Is the other dog in your photos a doodle too?
At 5:12pm on April 5, 2010, Phoebe's Mom said…
Hi! How is life in Southbury? We still miss it a lot despite being here in MN for more than a year. I heard there is a new pool in Middlebury that seems quite nice. Do you take your doodle walking along The Green? Happy Spring!
At 10:08am on February 1, 2009, Marianne *OZZY & ZOEY said…
MyHotComments OZZY & ZOEY Welcome you to DoodleKisses
At 7:49am on January 27, 2009, Phoebe's Mom said…
Welcome! We are eagerly awaitng the arrival of our new puppy--5 more weeks to go! Wow! Southbury, CT. We moved from there lasty July. I miss my friends and family but, once you get past the frigid, ridiculous cold, it is pretty nice here. Your doodle is precious!
At 2:58pm on January 26, 2009, GBK said…
Cute, Cute, Cute!!!! What is his/her name, and are the eyes green?????
At 2:29am on January 26, 2009, Adrianne Matzkin said…
At 5:01pm on January 25, 2009, Karen & Lucy said…


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