I have a few pups to get out to their new homes and the holiday to get through and then I would love to have you & Jill over. I have something everyday until New Years~ ugh
Paul, I am cracking up at Louie with that shoe, the shoe is almost bigger than him! I also love the one with you carrying Buck in town, I would love to see you try that now.
The last picture with Louie and Buck together smiling is my favorite!
Hope to see you again soon!! It has been at least a year since you have been over.
Hey by the way~ take a moment and join the Owner Recommended Breeders group ; )
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Berni had fun too, he slept the entire way home. Mar carried him in and he was still a sleep!
The last picture with Louie and Buck together smiling is my favorite!
Hope to see you again soon!! It has been at least a year since you have been over.
Hey by the way~ take a moment and join the Owner Recommended Breeders group ; )
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