Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

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  • Broadway, VA
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Susan's Friends

  • Cooper
  • Susan and Sophie
  • Virginia and Baxter
  • Donna, Tony, Oliver,Henry & Joey
  • Marina
  • Deb, Connor & Simon
  • Belinda Stevens
  • Adina P

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Susan's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I'm happily married with two beautiful daughters, age 13 and 10. I work full time as a Claims Adjuster and stay busy with the school activities and all of life's other adventures.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Harley is a male Goldendoodle born December 20, 2008. We also have an 12 year old Golden Retriever, and 2 horses.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We love our Golden Retriever dearly but hate the shedding. Our Golden weights over 90 lbs so we were looking for something a little smaller - but not too small.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Harley loves the beach and digging in the sand. He enjoys going to the park and just spending time playing with the family.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
A little bit but nothing major
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Barking Bubbles
Relationship Status:

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Comment Wall (20 comments)

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At 4:50am on December 20, 2009, Marina said…
Happy 1st Birthday Harley! I can't believe we made it to this day. I now weigh just under 50 lbs., I still have all my fur except my parents clip around my eyes so I can see, and I do shed! My mom has to brush me often and hopes after turning a year old I will shed less. Life is good, everyone loves me! I hope you have a wonderful bithday. I plan to play in the snow that fell in Danville yesterday. Happy Holidays! Love, Piper
At 10:26am on August 22, 2009, Cooper said…
Hi Susan!
We're anxiously awaiting our new puppy and were really excited when we saw your pictures since our puppy's coming from Old Mill Doodles and his parents are also Parker and Dolley! Harley's adorable! How's he doing?
At 7:23pm on August 20, 2009, Virginia and Baxter said…
They do look alike! I am looking at your pictures now- what beach are you guys at? It looks like Wrightsville beach NC with the Jonnie Mercer pier in the background. We have a house there and it looks the same! Too Cute! How big is your doodle? Valerie at OMD said Baxter would be about 50 pounds b/c his dad is so small, but he is almost 45 now!
At 7:22pm on August 3, 2009, Marina said…
Hi Susan, We drove over 3 hours each way to go to the Richmond Romp at the 'Dude Ranch'. Piper had a wonderful time. When I saw Oliver (half brother) I immediately knew they were related. I think Oliver, Piper and Harley all have the same wavy coat and they are all 'shaggy'. I also want to keep that look. I had to use the thinning shears the other day so I could see Piper's eyes. I also trimmed her feet and I try to brush her regularly. Piper is also a chewer, shredder, and now a counter surfer. She ate the mail the other night. We hope this period will end soon. She also loves her many, many toys. Harley and Piper have many things in common. She weighed in at 40 lbs. last Saturday. I love her weight because we can still pick her up. She is so sweet, that I think we let her get away with a lot. We need to get back into training. I hope we can make it to another Richmond Romp, but since we are so far away I don't think it will be for a while. I'll keep posting pictures. Good luck!
Marina and Piper
At 12:27pm on July 8, 2009, Belinda Stevens said…
Hello GRAD member,
We have a new and exciting event coming July 26th, from 1-4 to celebrate our recent jump to 100 members!
We will be having a BBQ/Picnic and a lake for the doodles to go swimming at The Dude Ranch in Glen Allen. Please check out the discussion on the group page entitled "Party Time" and respond there if you plan to attend so I can get a doodle head count for the facility.
Thanks and hope to see you there!
At 6:52pm on June 1, 2009, Marina said…
Hi Susan, My goldendoodle 'Piper' is Harley's sister. If you saw the girls at Valerie's, she was the lightest in color. Her coat seems to be changing. Piper sheds a little now, but that might change - I hope! We had goldens for years and you know how they shed! She is very sweet and smart. We just finished puppy class and we are now looking for a puppy agility class. She loves going through the tunnel. I haven't weighed her lately, but I think she will be about 50 lbs. full grown. I haven't found anyone else on doodlekisses that has a doodle from Dolly & Parker's litter. Do you know of any? I wish we were closer to Richmond so we could participate in all the doodle activities. The beach pictures are so cute. Piper would have loved being there. We will have to settle for the backyard and a hose for now. Keep posting pictures and I'll try to do the same. I think we picked a great litter!!! Harley is very cute!
Marina Batson & Piper, Danville, VA
At 4:42am on May 29, 2009, Donna, Tony, Oliver,Henry & Joey said…
Hi Susan, they really do look just alike!!! I'm excited to "meet" one of Oliver's relatives. I love the wavy vs. curly hair, don't you?? I'll be watching Harley's pictures... maybe someday they can play together!
At 7:20am on April 6, 2009, Belinda Stevens said…
Hello again GRAD member! Just sending out a reminder that our next gathering will be at the Easter Parade on Monument Ave. We will be meeting at Jaime's house at 1 pm. Check out the discussion on the group page for more details and hope to see you there!
At 11:57am on March 17, 2009, Amy said…
thanks Susan. Harley is just beautiful. Today we sent a deposit for a chocolate goldendoodle from GlenEden. I can't wait. She will be ready to come home in 4 weeks. she should probably weigh in at 40 to 50 lbs when grown
At 1:02pm on March 14, 2009, Amy said…
Hi Susan. My family and I are searching for a "smaller doodle'. We talked to OMD and heard that Parker should produce smaller dogs. Does Harley seemer smallr than most? He is so cute!


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