Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Susan Stokes
  • Female
  • Mechanicsville, VA
  • United States
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About Me:
I'm about to turn 50. My husband and I are empty nesters (most of the time). We have three children, 1 dauther, 2 sons, and we are planning our daughter's wedding in 2014. We lost our beloved Labrador Lance in January and have just adopted a Labradoodle puppy (parti) on May 31, 2013. His Name is Cooper and he is adorable and very smart. Geez are we in for it.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
We adopted Cooper, a labradoodle, on 5/31/13 from Heart of Virginia Doodles. He is a 7 week old male F1b parti. Gorgeous and very smart.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Loved our labrador, wanted something with the same disposition but less shedding. My husband grew up with poodles so this was the breed for us.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
so far, play time and bonding.
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At 3:24pm on June 5, 2013, Lonnie & Libby Lu said…

Welcome to Doodle Kisses Susan.  Enjoy this wonderful site with the best information anywhere on Doodles and everyone here is very helpful, supportive and they like to have fun too.  I see you are already acquainted with our groups, which are amazing and so helpful too!  I am so sorry for the loss of you dog and know how hard it is to lose a member of the family.  Cooper is adorable and I'm sure taking up a lot of your time about now!  Nothing like the "challenge" of puppyhood!  We love pictures on DK, so share as many as you like!  So nice to have you on DK:)

At 2:22pm on June 5, 2013, Deb, Connor & Simon said…

Hi Susan! Welcome to the GRAD group! Congratulations on your new baby! He is totally precious! I know your breeder has a very good reputation and it looks like your Cooper will boost it even further. :-)  The GRAD group can be pretty laid back, but from time to time we have informal get-togethers that will be listed in the discussion portion of the GRAD home page.  I hope to meet you and Cooper soon.

Connor & Simon send happy woofs and wags to Cooper ()*o*()



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