Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Teresa Clark
  • Female
  • North Little Rock, AR
  • United States
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Laura and Angus replied to Teresa Clark's discussion Regression in potty training in the group Puppy Madness
"I would take a step back in your training and go back to taking her out on a leash each time you go out to potty (maybe not in your yard and instead on a short walk). Make sure you use praise (e.g. "Good potty" ) and treat each time she…"
Jun 24, 2019
Nancy, Ned, Clancy, and Charlie replied to Teresa Clark's discussion Regression in potty training in the group Puppy Madness
"Perhaps another animal has pottied and or pooped in the yard and left a scent with discourages your mini from going there. (Periodically this has happened to us).  She is also at a vulnerable phase of development right now and may have…"
Jun 23, 2019
Teresa Clark added a discussion to the group Puppy Madness

Regression in potty training

I have a 9 month old mini golden doodle and she has regress in her potting training. I have been having to take her out on her leash to get her to go off of the deck. I have said to her since she was a puppy "Go Potty" and she would go but recently she won't go in the yard and do her business. I have stayed out there with her for 30 minutes and she won't go. I have always given her treats and told her good girl when she finishes but I am stumped about what to do now.HELPSee More
Jun 23, 2019

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What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Don't have a doodle but interested in getting one so I want to learn more about them.

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At 6:36pm on December 23, 2014, Susan & Randy's Kate said…

Good luck.  Hope you find the perfect one.



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