I am a married mother of 3 boys ages 16, 14 and 11 and one girl age 8. I work in a medical office and I sell Pampered Chef. My interests are photography, cooking, supporting all my kids and their activities, and when we can, travel!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Jeter is an F1 goldendoodle. Mom is a gr, dad is a st. poodle. His birthday is May 6, 2005. He has an almost 12 year old cat sister. She is named Sweetie, and "tolerates" him!
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
Smartness and low shedding
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
Play outside, do tricks, etc. Jeter's favorite thing, however is going for rides in the car!
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Wendy from The Little Tin Tub
Relationship Status:
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Welcome to doodlekisses,Tina! I hope you enjoy our community :-) This is a great place to learn, share, brag about your doodle and make friends! Please have a look around and check out our many groups and discussions and we'd love to see more photos of your doodle. If you have any questions about navigating this site, check out our FAQ page for some helpful videos.
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