Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

bonnie Sullivan
  • Female
  • north plains oregon
  • United States
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bonnie Sullivan's Discussions

cutting hair between foot pads

Started this discussion. Last reply by Stella May 12, 2009. 3 Replies

Dog Park Behavior

Started this discussion. Last reply by GBK May 26, 2009. 20 Replies

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bonnie Sullivan's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Kevin and I have our first Labradoodle- Louie from Spring Creek- what a cutie!
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Labradoodle- Louie

Past dogs- 3 Mastiffs, 1 Chow
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
temperament, size, intelligence, non-shedding
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
Had a groomer once- plan to do it ourselves from now on
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Comment Wall (18 comments)

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At 9:16pm on May 10, 2009, Kyoko said…
WoW! Louie is so handsome!
At 8:15am on March 23, 2009, Cathy, Zoe, and Tucker said…
Your gorgeous doodle caught my eye on the Spring Training page. I thought I'd share that with you. Happy Monday.
At 9:02pm on January 29, 2009, Tracey Willnerd said…
Hi Bonnie,

Louie's pictures are sure cute. He looks so much like Hazel. I have a really good snowy face picture that I'll post soon...tonight hopefully. Hazel is getting lighter (like her brother Cody below). The color is still beautiful and attractive. Keep in touch.

At 5:49am on January 26, 2009, Daryl and Cody said…
Cody came from Spring Creek Labradoodles in Oregon. He will be 2 years old in May. As a puppy he was quite dark and has lghtened up considerably much as his mother Cherish did. The first indication of this was white hairs on his back right on the base of his tail; his face has lightened considerably; the over-all effect is quite attrative.
At 7:36am on December 31, 2008, Mary Westrich said…
I agree with Tegan. I just kept interrupting when Cooper was playing too rough with the cats. He's 14 months old now and doesn't bother them anymore. One of the younger ones actually cuddles up next to him! of my favorite children's books is called Chewy Louie. I bought it when I had a puppy I should have named Chewy and it made me laugh instead of cry when the pup chewed everything in sight. If you can find it (on Amazon?) you'd probably love it! Good luck with Louie!
At 4:45pm on December 30, 2008, Tegan said…
Hi Bonnie, we've had some issues with cats and doodles also. Our cats are both pretty young and extremely tolerant but we've been working with Kali to try and get her to leave them alone a little more as she can be a little over enthusiastic with them. Our trainer has us interrupt her when she's bothering the cats. We say leave it and give her a firm nudge on her side. If she tries again she'll get the same and a body block (put yourself between your pup and the cat). You can keep doing this until your pup gets the message. It has taken a lot of work but now all we need to do is say leave it. Our trainer's motto is "the rules are the rules no matter what". If you don't want your dog doing something don't let them... teach them it's not OK and be persistent. If you slack off on the rules and let them do something they aren't supposed to it will be a lot harder for them to learn. It took a lot of work and commitment, but it really helped our cats get some peace. The other thing we've done is put up a baby gate in our hallway so that our cats can escape if they need to. Since we've been working with Kali they almost never bother.
At 3:29pm on December 30, 2008, Oliver said…
hi bonnie- our dog trainer basically said it's impossible to stop a young puppy from playing with another cat (our our other chihuahua in our case) and to just make sure you are always watching them and have a safe place for the other time they will learn.
At 2:45pm on December 30, 2008, Carla, Lucca and Izzy said…
I'll let you know about the cats. Lucca keeps trying to play with our 6 year old cat. Thank goodness he is quick. My fear is if the cat claws his eye. He actually wants to play with Lucca but Lucca is too rambunctious. The cat loves to be chased outside as long as there is a safe haven for him to go to. I try never to have a situation where the cat can be cornered.
At 7:02pm on December 29, 2008, Adrianne Matzkin said…
Glad you joined our Chocolate Group. Louie is gorgeous. Do you groom him yourself? I do - but now she is easy. I through her in the bath tub and dry her. I give her a once-over brushing everyday just so she doesn't look like a ragamuffin. Samantha is a F1 LD and her coat is basically straight with just a little way going on in her adult coat. At 10 months, she hasn't had any mats (I hope I just didnt jinx myself) Check out the Grooming Group - great ideas to do-it-yourself'ers.
At 7:10am on December 28, 2008, Minders said…
Wow Louie is a cutie! Welcome to Doodlekisses!


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