Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So, the other day, I was watching 'At the End of My Leash' and I heard an owner being repremanded for bathing her dog (a rotti) every 6 months. Now, this was a bit of a shock to me because my Finny gets washed a lot more often than that! Worried about the fact that I might be stripping his coat of precious oils I, quick as a flash, Googled "How often should I wash my dog?" And the answer came back, 'for a non-shedding/low shedding dog, (like my Finny), about every 6 weeks'!!! Now my Finny gets walked every day come rain or shine - usually rain, since I live at the bottom of Grouse Mountain, Vancouver, B.C. And there are no places I can think of around here to take him where he would not come back with his legs up to the shoulder, and under-chasis drenched in mud, or green, slimey sea-weed; (those are the choices and yes, he has quite short legs). As a result, Finny gets washed most days (puppy gentle, no more tears type), but only the grubby bits and we do use conditioner. Is the general concensus that I should merely hose him down (and put up with the stink?) So, may I ask, how often do other Doodle lovers wash their Doodles!?

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Other than when they get groomed, I usually bathe Gus and Lilly whenever they're really dirty/muddy from taking turns rolling each other in the dirt in our yard. But that's mostly because we have light cappet and they're both allowed on the furniture. Also I have found since using Ice on Ice the dirt brushes out pretty easily, even after the mud drys.
Gosh! Thanks for your comments. I'm grateful but horrified; I've clearly been over-washing my poor doggy! His poor skin, his poor fur! Well, you see the thing is, Finn is white. When he comes back from his walk, he's black. And I mean black. The mud is wet and dripping - he's caked, drenched! Now our carpets and furniture are cream. I'm definitely not the house-proud type, however I couldn't even touch Finn in a rubber glove upon his return from our walks. He has to be 'netted' with a towel like a rabid beast, and carried to the bathroom....
Seriously, I can put up with the smell of dead fish and coyote crud for the sake of my poor baby's sensitive, Finn is going to be the happiest boy alive when he learns what his friends at DoodleKisses have told Mummy. My next question to you fellow Doodlers is; where on earth are you walking your dogs where a mere rub down with a towel and a little puff of deodorant is sufficient? I think I need to relocate!
Ps. What's Ice on Ice; where can I get it!?
It's a leave in coat conditioner and finishing spray from Chris Christensen. I learned about it from the folks on the Doodle Zoo site. Here's their website:
Oh no...I DO use a doggy just so happens to be for daily washing hence the name "Day to Day." I USED to use J&J baby shampoo but read quite a bit from groomers that said it was indeed too drying (and people with babies also seconded that opinion). BUT...again I have no clue...Rosco is silent on the issue.
I used to use dog shampoo and had a vet tell me IT was too drying and to switch to baby shampoo! Go figure....

I have been using people shampoo on all my dogs for over a year now. It works great. For puppies, I use baby magic. I like the smell. :o) For adults I use Suave. My daughter uses people conditioner when she give the dogs a bath. I never do. By the time I rinse the shampoo my back has had enough!

I think one of the biggest perks of using people shampoo is that it isn't nearly as thick. I used to have to dilute dog the dog shampoo with water and it still took twice as long to wash out.

All of my dogs get a bath about every 3-4 weeks, depending on the need.
Thanks April, that's helpful. As it happens Finny had the mother of all baths today following his recent trip to Tofino, where he pleasured in rolling in dead fish, muscles, crabs and all other aquatic and non-aquatic lovelies...
Fish oil - now that sounds like a good idea. I've heard it's good for the brain too. So now he can smell like a fish and think like a fish - and he'll have oily skin like a mackeral, (as long as he doesn't start growing scales!)
Yes, I've read that too about the doggy shampoo. Johnsons Baby is great .. so is Pantene. I read that using Pantene (shampoo plus conditioner) works great! It isn't harsh on thier skin and it also helps with tangles.

I brush Bear daily .. he's got a longer/shaggy coat and therefore I do find that a daily combing helps tremendously. He gets bathed once every 4-6 weeks. Any more often can be irritating.

Well that's helpful too Donna, thanks. You probably saw my reply to April, above. I like the name of the shampoo Suave, very Finn (not).
Oh my! I feel like the worst dog owner ever. First, I am feeding my dogs “crap food” now I am bathing them too much. All I can say is I am grateful for this site!
Don't worry Belinda, you are not the worst dog owner ever. I have washed my doodle so much he now looks like a woolley sweater that's been through the hot wash. I feed him the odd New York Strip and he has pink feet...
LOL I'm in Victoria and I know what you mean... lots of mud and seaweed. I try not to use shampoo more than once every 4-6weeks but I do rinse Kali of in the shower quite often. She's black so the dirt doesn't show up as much on her but it does seem to suffice. When she comes back really stinky I've used just conditioner on her which seems to do the trick (I have no idea if that's any better than using shampoo, but it doesn't seems to dry her skin as much).



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