I don't know why I'm posting this, maybe I figure that you all can understand how I feel. This morning I let my 2 goldendoodles outside to play and when I called them back in, I couldn't find them. We have 6 acres WAY off the road and the only cleared area is immediately around the house. The dogs have a couple favorite spots so I went looking and found Webster but not Charlotte. Charlotte is only 9 wks old and she is missing. I have been searching since 9am and my legs literally ache from the amount of walking I have been doing. My 2 kids, my parents, my sister and 3 other doodles have been searching with me. Now my husband is home from work and he is searching until dark (it's 5:30). We've talked with all the neighbors, driven the local subdivision, called animal control, checked craigslist, and posted a sign. I'm feeling hopeless and miserable. I just lost my grandma and Charlotte went with me to Mich for the funeral - puppy comfort, you know. If you have a doodle puppy, please give him/her a hug for me.