Good morning,
I am having a real problem keeping the mats out of my boys fur. I brush him and comb them out almost on a daily basis. His fur is probably about 3-4 inches long right now and the longer it gets the dryer it looks and harder it is to deal with. I`ve read a lot of web-sites and am a little confused about products to use, ( shampoo) and brushes and combs too?!?!?! Any help out there? PLEASE!!
Maybe try using conditioner next time he gets a bath before you comb him out? Is his skin dry too, or is it just the hair? I use tea tree shampoo to prevent dry skin. I'd probably consult a professional dog groomer if it's really bad... a good groomer can tell you which brush works best for your dog's type of hair.
It`s just his fur. We use dog shampoo. I have read on some websites that baby shampoo, pantene with built in conditioner are good, then other sites say no, so I`m not sure what to do. It`s worse on his back, looks like an old dried out perm! He`s ok everywhere else! Any thoughts on using "people " products instead of " doggie" products??
Since he's just 1 year old he may still be going through his coat change at this time...when the puppy hair grows out and the new adult hair grows in and it can lead to all sorts of messy grooming.
First, you need to have good tools: Metal comb and maybe a Les Pooches brush -- what kind of brushes and combs do you use now?
Second, watch this video to see the proper way to brush a matting doodle.
Third, he may need to be kept shorter for a while to help you through the coat change so it doesn't drive you crazy =) Has he been professionally groomed before? A patient groomer may be able to advise you as well.
As far as shampoo...most doggy ones are fine. Consider something like Cowboy Magic detangling spray to help work out the tangles.
Also ALWAYS brush him out WELL before a bath and when you bathe him do not rub in all directions as you suds him up. Instead move the soap and water in the direction his hair grows...or you will add matts while you bathe.
Good luck! And you can also do a search in the "Forum" section for one word at a time like: groom, grooming, brush, brushing and see what comes up as far as old discussions on this topic.
Hi Adina,
I have him groomed about every 3 months. I have a chris christenson brush, a plastic wide-tooth comb and thinning shears for the mats. I think you may be right about having him groomed a little shorter, I will probably do that.
Thanks so much for your advise, I will check out that video.
Good morning Jean. First, 3-4 inches is pretty long. Take him to a groomer and get him cut down to about 1 inch and your world will get a whole lot easier. Careful though, if he has a lot of mats when you take him in, they might just shave him down. Also, you don't say how old he is. Is he losing his puppy coat now? That will add to the matting problem in a big way! We were just discussing this on another forum, here is the link:
Also, someone posted about a product from Kelko industries called "De-Mat Spray"'s a leave-in conditioner. I ordered some, but didn't get it yet. Does anybody here use it?
I have used kelco spray for years. I'm a retired groomer. Use before bathing. I like to leave it in the coat for about an hour or so before I begin the brush out and I never bathe before the dematting. Bathing these guys with mats is like washing a wool sweater in hot water and throwing it in the dryer. all the existing mats seem to grab onto the unmatted hair and then shrink up tighter to the skin.
You could also try adding fish oil to his food. I notice a big difference in my 3 dogs since I have been using it. My Bijon used to chew himself raw and barely scratches at all now. My doodles never mat and no have had no skin problems at all.
I swear by Earthbath's Mango Tango; it has conditioner and it smells like heaven! I also swear by combs - slicker brushes (the one with a million little thin wires) only get the top layer of hair and actually create mats on Olive - especially her feet and ankles. We have a thorough comb-session once a week and I try to remember to comb her out after a swim once she's dry (dang I knew I forgot to do something last night).
And cutting him down to 2" will help tremendously.
Glad you posted this, we are just starting to matt and I was getting concerned. $$ is tight and the thought of more frequent grooming was making me sick! I think it is a combination, puppy fur, dry skin (it will get dryer as the winter approaches), and using the halter ... I am going to try some of the stuff mentioned here, especially being careful to de-tangle before bathing! I was going to try to bath tonight and probably would've wetted first. I love your wool analagy (sp?) .. so funny bcause the coat is so different on different spots. But I guess I have some curly and some straight places too ...