Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I've noticed that most of the pictures I look at haven't been rated by anyone. If you're reluctant to give a low rating (as I am) to avoid hurting anyone's feelings, you can still give high ratings to the pictures you like. We're just getting started (Thanks, Adina!), and we already have a ton of photos. When someone happens upon this site, it'd be nice if they could sort the photos by rating to see the best of the best right away.

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thanks for posting this...late at night i like to go through photos and i do rate them sometimes leaving a comment as well.
I've also gotten some and it's neat to see who likes which pic and why compared to our own views of a certain pic ( hope this made sense...morning coffee has yet to kick in) :)
I fell in love with my labradoodle when I saw him standing on his hind legs and he looked like a little person. Funny isn't it? My other two dogs (non doodles) stand up but never give my that impression.
A woman after my own heart...I think that is a fabulous idea =) That and just commenting on pics makes people feel happy =)



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