Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Can anyone recommend a pet friendly steam carpet cleaning fluid that won't irritate my doggy's paws? Ps. I live in Canada.

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Dear Jessica,
How awful for you! You must be so concerned - and your poor Finn with itchy paws! I will do a bit of research on Google and see if I can find any helpful information...
Oh thank-you so much. Actually I am very concerned because I Googled myself and discovered that paw licking and chewing can lead to all sorts of problems. I tend to over react and panic a bit about all things Finn related, so any help would be appreciated.
Wow look at all the responses you've gotten already! ;-)

Has your carpet cleaning stuff actually LED to itchy paws on Finn that you can clearly connect to the cleaning stuff? Is there any way you can block off sections of your carpet until they are dry so Finn doesn't step on the wet stuff?

I don't own a steam cleaner...I only DREAM of owning one so I'm not sure what the best doggy safe cleaning product is but I'm willing to bet that just plain WATER (given that it is steaming hot) would do a decent job of cleaning.

As far as paw licking/chewing...usually it is not the act itself but the reason for the act that is a problem...i.e. allergies. Have you checked his paws first, though, to be sure there is not something stuck in there or if he has some matted fur that is bugging him between his toes?
How about Hydogen Peroxide? I do not know if it can be put in the steammer, but I use it ALL around my home in place of bleach because it is safer for all of us:)
Thanks to all my 'friends' on DoodleKisses who responded with advice. Rachel; good suggestion - I'll ask in the store for something pet friendly!! Adina; I like the idea of hot water only, it'd probably work. We've checked Finny's paws, they seem okay. We've noticed his paws have been itchy twice, each time a few days after steam cleaning (we've only had the steamer a couple of months.) Nancy; Ecouver, a great idea, don't know why I didn't think of it! Tamara; actually, it's not all about the dog! (hard to believe I know!) We inherited cream carpets when we moved here last year! (doh!) We didn't have a dog at the time and a new kitchen took priority over laminate flooring. Now we can't afford new flooring...but we can afford a steam cleaner! Just as well; this year our carpet has had its share of tomato soup, red wine - you name it. Our stinky puppy sealed the decision!
I have always used Bissell products and none of our dogs have had a reaction to it. They do have a new environmentally friendly line including one with natural orange extract. Good luck!
Thanks, I'll look out for that one. Good to know you have a steam cleaner and no reaction. I believe Citrus use natural orange...
has your vet had any suggestions for the irratation with Finn's paws?
We're not at that stage quite yet...
white vinegar should work to remove stains and odor.. the vinegar smell goes away. Vinegar is known to help dogs with allergies.
Oh thanks very much Noble. I'm just sitting here now doodling and looking at my carpet and thinking shall I or shall I not vacume, and now you've encouraged not. I shall get to work with the vinegar instead.
I have a Bissell carpet cleaner the pro-heat model. LOVE IT, I also use the Bissell products and Payton is sensitive he has never reacted to it. I know that the Surrey (area) B.C. Costco sells the Bissell. I am not sure where in Canada you are.
What are you wanting to clean?
When we were potty training I put Nature's Miracles in the shampoo dispenser and in the rinse water dispenser. I wanted to know I got every trace of smell out of the carpet.
I should say that I cleaned the carpet first and let it dry for a week ,then I did the N.M. treatment.



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