A member of our group starts a discussion with this sentence: "My heart is heavy and I am crying." She goes on to tell us about an 18-mo-old doodle she bred who escaped from an electric fence and was hit by a car and killed. In her grief, she came to us for support and comfort. And two fellow members of "Doodle Kisses", people who supposedly love doodles and want to connect with one another, share questions, knowledge, ideas, laughs, tears, etc., responded to this grieving fellow member's post by giving it "1 star" ratings. This was very helpful in contributing to her pain.
I am absolutely sickened by this. Oh, did somebody's widdle feelings get hurt because there was a warning in there about invisible fences, and they have one, so they were insulted? Grow up! A BELOVED DOG IS DEAD!
I have news for you two...when someone posts a warning about something, whether it is a collar, a food, a toy, whatever, they are trying to do you a favor and protect your beloved dog. No one has anything to gain by telling others about something that happened to a dog...they are trying to help YOU. You have every right to ignore any advice you read...I do so often. But to anonymously "slam" a kind woman who has turned to us in grief...you should be ashamed of yourselves. I pity your poor doodles that they have to live with people so devoid of compassion.