We have had a horrific week after losing our 13 year old Springer and Best Friend, Freckles. We lost Cricket when she was 16 and now last week our old girl, Freckles. We currently have a 7 year old Springer, April, that blew her knee out last year running and thought we would not get a new addition to our family but she so misses her best friend and life companion. I am considering a mini Labradoodle or Goldendoodle. I cannot find one locally we live on Lake Conroe, Texas. I also cannot decided between the two. I love the personality traits of both LAB and GR and combined with the Poodle. I would like to know your input on personality traits of each doodle and also the unique differences besides coat. Thanks for your help...Also, I have always had females...would you recommend a male since I already have an older female who is somewhat skittish and shy of newcomers but who gets along well with other dogs. Thanks....from Texas
Hi Lake Girl........... Wanting to add my sympathy for your loss of your Freckles. I lost a great friend, a dashound, when I was younger and I can relate how devastating that is. A big hug coming your way from me and a kiss from Lucy. My Lucille is a 2 1/2 yr. goldendoodle and I really think there is not much of a difference between a golden or labradoodle except their coat. I may be totally wrong, and forgive me if I am, but from what I see the labradoodle's coat is a little more wirey than the goldendoodle's. It probably also depends on how much of their coat is a trait from the poodle and how much is from the lab or golden. I don't know much about breeding as you can tell, so I'm sure the breeders on this site will guide you in the right direction. All I know is that both are great dogs.