Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our sweet border collie, Cass, is 13 today!

From this feisty puppy..

To an wonderful, energetic, mature adult:

She's been a fabulous dog for my hubby Clark all these years and for me since I met her 4 years ago.

You can see a slide who of Cass through the years at the link below:
------------------------------> Cass Slide Show <-------------------------


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Hope you have many more!!
Adina, I just saw the slide show .. love it!

13 years .. Cass is getting up there in age:-( How is her health?? Good I hope .. she looks like a wonderful dog! I can see how much she is loved .. HAPPY BDAY once again:-))
Happy Birthday Cass! You deserve a special treat today!
Adina, you've got some fabulous pictures in Cass's slide show - & I love the family picture!
Happy, happy birthday! I wish you many more, you still have that sparkle in your eyes like when you were a puppy : )
Thanks for the party! Cass truly is a great dog.

But sadly, she probably won't make it to 14. A little over a week ago Cass was diagnosed with Canine Osteosarcoma, the most common and aggressive bone cancer in dogs. They say that median life expectancy from diagnosis is 3 months. But she's doing great at the moment... always smiling, doesn't seem to be in pain, running ahead of the pack (with a limp!), bossing Rosco around (he get's the zoomies from her "corrections"... it's like a horror movie to him, he comes back to bug her some more so she'll snarl at him and off he goes zooming again. He loves it!)

She's been a wonderful dog... hey, she got Adina to LIKE dogs and we can all see where that went! (But then after knowing Cass, Adina thought all dogs were supposed to be completely off leash reliable and listen to their owners. LOL!) Cass has had a great life, and even though it kills me, I'm glad I get time to say goodbye.

Thanks so much for all the support and wishing us well!

Okay .. that brought tears to my eyes. That is very sad and it breaks my heart:-( I'm sorry Clark .. sorry for all of you! I'm glad she's doing well and not showing any signs of pain currently. Unfortunately, Osteosarcoma is very aggressive and unfortunately her health will start to decline as she shows symptoms. Our first dog, Max, passed a year ago next month. He had a cancerous tumor pressing on his spine. He seemed fine one day and the next .. it hit him hard. He was only 9!!! It's such a difficult time. Losing a beloved pet is an awful experience. I only wish they could live as long as us humans do! They live such short lives in comparison:-( The good thing is that Cass is 13 .. she has lived a long life. She's still living it to the fullest. You have time to say goodbye and I know you and Adina will make the BEST of what time Cass has left .. show her the time of her life as I'm sure you both will.. I know this is killing you .. I don't know you, Adina, or Cass personally, however, its killing me too! I'm sorry for your bad news. I will keep you in my prayers and will be praying for a miracle!

We are all here for you and you will always have our support:-)

Take care Clark .. my best to all:-) Hugs to Cass from Bear and I!




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