Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

fozzie has been burping up little gulps of food more frequently now. could it be the heat ? sometimes he drinks too much water , burps and some food comes up w/it. is this normal?

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It's not abnormal...but it would depend upon how often this happens and if it is always at a certain point after eating or drinking or playing or if completely random. Both of my doodles have urped up a little food or just water after drinking too much or running around immediately after a meal. How often do you see it happening?
Hi Oso,
Lincoln did something similar ( but no food came up) a few days ago. I think he was eating to fast to quickly. What seemed to help was i had him stand up ( his arms around my shoulders) and I burped him lol YUP! Patted his back and BOY CAN THE DOG BURP! Getting the big burp out stopped all the little ones .

Do you give Fozzie digestive enzymes as i was wondering with Lincoln if i had given him to much and caused the burps.

Noel does this all the time ANd she burps like you wouldn't believe. From all that I've read on here about GD belly issues, I think I have figured out that she just has a funny tummy, but I have thought about taking her in to the Dr. to see if there is anything they can give her for what I think is like people GERD! I am constantle cleaning up little puddles of water that she urpes up!!! YUM
Bella has done that a few times. It seems to be when she would drink too much at one time following eating. If it only occasional, I would not be concerned.



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