Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone!


After some failed attempts at getting a local designer to create a most fabulous Doodle Kisses logo for our site, we are trying something new.  We've posted a design contest on 99 Designs -- we're hoping for some professional quality designs to consider and wanted to let all DK know in case you want to try your hand at competing with some designers.  After all you are the heart and soul of DK and if you're an awesome designer at may have some excellent ideas!


The prize is $495 (edit: oops, less than that as 99designs takes a sizable cut), but YOU MUST DO IT THROUGH THE 99 DESIGNS site -- DO NOT send me anything via DK or email.


Perhaps you are a designer or have friends/family who are good at this stuff! Tell them about it--the contest only lasts ONE WEEK starting NOW.  So...if you're interested or know someone who might be, let them know ASAP!


Here's the site once again:


Good luck to any participants from DK!!!  Cross your fingers that we get something awesome!



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We will run some polls here to get your feedback. We will do that when we have more concepts that are refined a bit further - so we'll probably run the poll on the weekend. When all is said and done, Adina and I will pick the winners with your input

Right now we are doing our best to NOT see who designed what. We love you guys and don't want to hurt any feelings because our design style is not the same as yours. So we are doing our best to see logos and not names. May the best logo win!

I thought you could vote on them by clicking on the stars under each design on the 99 Designs website.. but it would not let me click on them even after I registered..oh well I'm sure Adina and Clark will pick a great one there is so many cute ones to choose from. I have a lot of designer friends because I'm also a web developer but not really a cartoonist so I posted this contest on my Facebook and Twitter as well as emailed the artist who designed my Doodle logo which I think is amazing. He has a website called a Doodle a Day (the other kid of Doodle) and that's actually how I found him.. did a search for doodle art. The doodle he drew me looks like this..

This is not an entry.. just sharing my doodle logo art... minus my site name out of respect for da rules.

Interesting about voting. Just tried , couldn't vote. I really like you doodle of a doodle : )
Voting is for the contest holder (me and Clark) only.  We may put up an opinion poll before the contest is decided to see what DK Members think of a few of our favorites, but it is not up yet.
Thanks for clarifying that, I originally thought that was the case. An opinion poll would be interesting and fun although I realize you and Clark should have the ultimate decision. And to think you haven't gotten to calendar pictures yet : )
Sounds like a fun contest.  I hope some DKers throw their hats into the ring.

Okay, okay, I know you said don't reply to your post, but really, wouldn't this be a great logo? What says "Doodlekisses" more than a puppy doodle?


I have no design background or creative talent sadly, but can't wait to see what design you choose. Good luck with your contest!!

I contacted my son who is a graphic designer and works with 99designs all the time.  I hope he creates something awesome for you/us!
Oooh...I'm so booked with projects right now, but it would be so much fun to design your logo!  I may have to work a few late nights.... ;)
Good Luck to all our Creative Doodle Lovers

ILOVE #15  (12 and 11 too)...however, I just told one of my designers about the contest so I will be watching....

If nothing else 99 designs is a great place for designers to submit their ideas and earn some extra cash so she will probably be looking at more than just DoodleKisses.

What a neat idea to hold a contest to come up with a great logo.

I just have to put in my two cents in here. I LOVE the doodle with the kiss the kiss on the cheek!! It is too cute, smiley, happy, and so appropriate for Doodle Kisses. I can see t-s****, sweartshirts, bags, mugs etc. with that logo. It will be fun to watch as the entries come in.



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