Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

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Jessica, Did you come to my house to photograph Owen without me knowing it? This could be my piggy boy.

Owen digs..... :o(

Awwwww! So cute!

With North East Ohio now 26" ABOVE the last all time record, this has been my life, my dogs, for the last 9 months.  Honestly, this picture makes me shake.

Rethinking the cream coloured carpet choice?

Rethinking the cream coloured dog choice? ;o)

We are undergoing an extensive landscaping project which leaves our yard a mud pit any time it rains...It was a particularly warm day in NC so I let Marley stay out most of the day...I let her "have at it!"...which she did with pleasure!

Lucy has had 4 baths in 8 days, due to looking quite a bit like Marley (there is a place where s muddy puddle typically forms and she keeps going for it before we realize what is happening)! It's so much fun for her to be dirty!

I think that Lucy and Sophie both want to come and live with one of you guys.  I have to admit to being a bad doodle Mom when it comes to a muddy yard.  My girls just do not get out to play when it is going to require a bath after wards, unless of course they are already due for a bath and I have the time to do it.  Wet is one thing, but muddy, nope.

Yuck!!!  Bailey would be like that if I let her LOL

Now that's a dirty doodle~~~~

Jack hates to get wet, dirty or anything remotely close to being uppity!!! Molly Rose will jump in the nearest water bowl, mud puddle or dig her way to china,,, at my moms dog park they call her pig pen and a lot of the owners of other digs cringe when they see Molly come because she is sure to get others dirty too!!!!



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