At Doodle Kisses, we're all about our doodles. Even member profile pages end up, fittingly so, being about the doodles.
I think it's high time the moms behind these doodles get some recognition for Mother's Day.
So in honor of all you Doodle Mommas, I've given all your doodles an assignment (if they've been acting funny lately--this is why...they are a bit nervous, though up for the challenge.)
Your doodle's mission (with the assistance of your opposable thumbs and technical expertise) is to decorate their momma's profile page and make it all about their wonderful mom instead of themselves. They can do whatever they want within the confines of our Community Guidelines. They are allowed to brag or be humorous or whatever wags their tail.
So Doodles everywhere...start decorating your momma's profile pages! Help us get to know the momma behind the wonderful doodle you are. Show us why she's great or make us laugh.
You have until the Monday Morning after Mother's Day because at that point the voting on "Best Decorated Page" will begin.
What's the prize? None of your bees wax. You're not doing this for the prize anyway, now are you? You're doing it for the love of momma!!!! We'll tell you what you win...when you win ;-) key points to remember:
Deadline is End of Mother's Day--(you may start NOW). Mission: Decorated profile page about Owner from Doodle's Perspective There will be voting and a prize so be ready by Monday morning after Mother's Day