Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My goldendoodle Cooper is four years old and most of the time a grown up boy.  He is so attached to me and I think we need a friend for us.  I have looked and looked for a goldendoodle to rescure but here in Northern California they seem to be rather scarce.  Purchasing one will certainly cramp my frugal life style but I am about to take that route.  Any suggestions for Cooper and for Me???



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What TYPE of suggestions are you looking for? If you are looking for a breeder this is the best place to start:  -- Read the article and then use the lists at the bottom to search for doodle breeders.

Have you placed an application with doodle rescue organizations?  The two main ones are IDOG and -- place an app right away if you have not.  That will get you on their waiting lists and they will contact you if/when a doodle pops up that fits your needs.  

I am registered with DoodleRescue as a potential adopting family and/or a fostering family.  I have been approved and have no response for six months.  I am looking for a dog in Northern California that does not cost $2,000!  It seems that California Goldendoodles are "golden" for their prices are double what breeders outside of the state ask for a pup.  I am hoping that someone has a pup that cannot keep it and will contact me.  Thanks for your reply, I will look at IDOG.
Standard sized F1 goldendoodles should be about $1200-1500... Higher generation ones and smaller ones are the ones that usually cost more.
Good luck with your search and keep your eyes out at the rescues. You will find a new baby!!

Hi Dianne,

Please e-mail me. I'm in So Cal and have a friend with a darling 13 week old goldendoodle she needs to rehome. I'd be happy to give you her info and you can take it from there.

Suzanne Hulett (


Wow...there was one and then a second one down here in So. Cal in the Los Angeles/Anaheim area a few weeks ago.  One was a rehome well trained Doodle who needed to be rehomed because of a family illness or something.  It was posted on the Discussion side of the main page.  Frances Horan had posted it with all the contact info.  I have never heard of the final outcome if there has been one yet.  That wouldn't be a bad drive for you either.

Here is the link to the discussion I told you about:


I have sent an email to Frances.  Santos sounds just like my Cooper.  I appreciate your passing this on.  I am researching the cost to transport a pup from S. Cal to Sacramento via plane.  Witht he cost of gasoline, the fact that it would be a two day trip for me so have to iinclude lodging...  We shall see.



You might be able to work out a Doodle Train with various Doodle people up and down the state.  I am below so I wouldn't be of much help. Though a few times a year we drive from San Diego to San Jose to visit our daughter and we take Gracie.  It is an 8 hour drive for us.
I am working with the Foster folks with this group to get some of the dogs up here.  They are short on fostering and I do not have one to foster.  So I have offered to drive 4 hours down to meet.  It would be great to rehome some of those dogs down in your part of the state up here.  They just do not exist anywhere that I have been able to find -- occasionally one in the Bay Area.  San Jose about three hours from me, so you see the distance I am looking at!!!!  I am going to think about a "Doodle Train", however, I do not know how many of our folks live up and down California.  Thanks for your help....  I have not heard back from Frances.
Frances is a Nurse and is probably working right now.  You could go to the Nor Cal and So. Cal groups and put a request in for volunteers for a Doodle train from Los Angeles or where ever you find your pup and see what comes up.  I know Doodle owners up in the LA area and also in the San Jose area too.  I think you could put something together.  You could probably recruit 3 or 4 people.  I think the hardest is going to be the Central California area.  Check out the groups and see where people live.
As  you can tell, I do not know the system or the website very well.  Great suggestions and I shall now increase my learning curve by exploring and see what I can do. 



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