I have moved our Reviews page access to under the "Extra!" tab ... simply hover over the Extra! tab to see the Reviews link. Reviews will continue to be featured on the main page in the right column. I had thought about putting it under the Forum tab but didn't want it to be confused...do you think the Blog tab would be better under Forum or would that be even more confusing?
I have also added a tab for our Doodle Kisses Store -- it's labeled as "DK Store" -- check it out if you haven't already.
A logical place to put Blog would be in Forum especially if you want to de-clutter or redesign the front page some. The two older ladies I tried to help join doodlekisses, were too overwhelmed by the front page choices to go on the site by themselves. This, I am sure is not the norm, but thought I would mention it at this time.
I'm conflicted by where to put the Blog because it can be hard to distinguish the difference between blogs and forums if someone is not used to having both choices. Do you think having them grouped together would be HARDER or EASIER?
Can you do it like you just did to the Reviews in the Events section or when you click on Discussions can you be sent to a page with the discussions and blogs sectioned on it with the most current first (like now)? I am not computer literate enough to know if that is a possibility.
I am a huge fan of organizing things into groups.
Personally I lump the blogs and discussions together in my viewing mind. What I do is go to the main page and scroll down, clicking on anything that catches my fancy. I love being able to see what is new. Now that contradicts what I said about organizing doesn't it?
I think it's a good idea to keep the blogs in a separate area; it would be hard to differentiate if they were grouped with the forum discussions, and you would be getting people trying to reply to blogs as if it were a discussion.
I also love to be look at the main page and get a quick overview of what's new and what's going on; I personally think the format here is the easiest of any to navigate, but that's just me. I would keep it it as is.