Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well she is feeling poorly Not eating laying around. But the lump seems the same size as yesterday (which was about child fist size)...but where it was rock hard yesterday it has a spongy quality to it in the centre now. So that must be good right? Almost like the tissue is done being hard and inflamed and ready to burst or weep?? There seems to be another new lump below it on her chest and I am just hoping this is another gland or maybe it is weeping downwards on the inside? I dont know what to do. If it is the same or better by 8 am I am not taking her to the vet. He gave me a 7 day course of abx...I will give it a chance unless it is dramatically worse because he said himself he doesnt like to operate in that area. Carotid artery, nerves etc,...

Oh and the thing I forgot on the other post - and why Monday was a time frame....My vet is gone on holidays - this new vet is leaving that was part of it. As long as it doesnt seem worse I am not going tomorrow AM. And I guess if after Tuesday it is worse I can always make an emergency call to the other vet in that town to do the surgery.

Do you know if a rock hard lump turning spongy is a good sign?

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The softening sounds good to me but I am concerned about the lump on her chest. Normally the lymph nodes draining an infected area become enlarged but those would be in her neck as well. If it's really her chest that has the new lump and not the base of the neck i think it's cause for concern.
I found this on the Dog Health Guide:

Dog Head and Neck Abscess
This type of abscess is caused by an animal bite or if a foreign object enters the body such as a wood splinter. One type of abscess forms behind the eye (called a retrobulbar abscess). Another kind is called submandibular which is an abscess in the lower jaw.The onset of this condition is fast. Symptoms include:

* Fever
* Lack of appetite
* Reduced desire to drink
Unusual head tilt

Treatment involves antibiotics to kill any infection that may be present. Warm clothes on the abscess itself can help liquefy the pus. This will make it easier for the abscess to either dissolve or be lanced and drained.

I think the fact that it's getting softer is good. Hoping Abby starts feeling much better soon. Hugs to you both.
Well its a hopeful sign, my Vet always told me when he felt any kind of lump on the dog, as long as it was spongy and moveable it was not cancerous. When they are hard and not moveable, chances are they are cancerous. Since there is a 2nd lump and its in her chest area, I think it's better to have her checked again, thats a change in her condition. Since this involves her throat and now the chest I would have her rechecked soon, or at least place a call and discuss it over the phone. Prayers for a speedy recovery...
Just an updated, " Thinking of you."

Hope your Better Soon
Yeah, I agree with Hannah and Honey, It's time to visit the vet again. With a new lump, I would rather be safe than sorry. If infection is still happening after all the antibiotics, it needs to be seen. The vet seemed very adamant that by Monday she should be lots better, and the swollen area has grown, also she is still not eating. Since you really like the new vet, I would probably return to him, otherwise get a second opinion from your regular vet. Obviously she is ill from all this. Go. You and she will feel better...Even if worse comes to worse and she needs surgery, sooner may be better! Good luck. Gracie and I will send some prayers and get well wishes!!!!
If I was you I would take her to the vet. Good luck and many prayers.
Good luck with Abby!

I would probably have the vet take a look before he left on vacation. He is the one that saw the lump and would know if it changed for the better or not. Why take a chance?
Hope that Abby feels better soon. If she has a new lump, I would go back to the vet - the infection could be spreading. Maybe some IV antibiotics or they could lance the first area if it is softening. I would be worried that she could go downhill very fast as she is still young. Good luck and keep us updated.
You must be really worried and scared....
I hope Abby feels better soon....
I have to agree with some of the people here, though. Especially becaus he is leaving, I would get her checked or at least put a call in to see if he would like to see her or not. This way, you can have a piece of mind.( Is it peace of mind?)
Sending a prayer for her fast recovery.
Oh, poor Abby! I would be safe and take her in to the vet. When will the vet that treated her be back into the office?? I would get her in today if your vet won't be back tomorrow. Also, if there won't ba a vet available at the office you go to, ask for a referral to another vet in the area in case something comes up. Good luck, I will be thinking of the two of you!
Yesterday evening it started weeping from the outside, then overnight must have burst because tons of sticky yuck came out, and it has been draining what looks like watered down blood since then. (LOTS OF IT - EWWW) The ball is totallly flacid and deflated now...not even a ball just a flap of loose skin where it had been. I gave her a warm shower and put betadine all over it. She is a new dog...running, jumping etc..... I called the vets office this am and described what had happened. I am going to keep the wound clean - keep up on the antibiotics and assume this came from a dog bite (Canada Day romp with her BFF) rather than an object. SO for now it looks like she is going to heal on her surgery! If it is a stick piece we will soon know.

Thanks so much for all the prayers and positive thoughts, talk about the nick of time! Iwas really apprehensive and feeling ill about the thought of the surgery this a.m.
You ae welcome...hope all continues to do well.



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