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Former operator of Almost Heaven Kennel faces dozens of charges in Lehigh County

March 22, 2010|By Patrick Lester | OF THE MORNING CALL

Authorities and animal welfare groups have long painted Derbe ''Skip'' Eckhart as a man with a pattern of animal cruelty in a dirty Upper Milford Township puppy mill. Eckhart's attorney has described his client as an animal lover who has been unfairly vilified.

A jury will sort out those conflicting portrayals of Eckhart and his former Almost Heaven Kennel when Eckhart stands trial on a long list of charges in Lehigh County Court this week.

Jury selection is expected to begin today for a trial that could last up to a week, according to Debbie Garlicki, spokeswoman for the Lehigh County district attorney's office.



Photos Tell Jury Two Different Stories

Posted: 12:11 pm EDT March 23,2010


ALLENTOWN, Pa. -- Jurors in an animal cruelty trial looked at a lot of pictures today.

Those pictures were taken after Almost Heaven Kennel in Upper Milford Township, Lehigh County was raided by animal law enforcement officers.

Now, Almost Heaven is shut down and its owner, Derbe Eckhart, is facing more than a dozen charges.

Depending on which side was addressing the jurors, the pictures they were shown told two different stories, one of neglect and the other of kennel workers being kept from cleaning so animal law enforcement could build a high-profile case.

The defense first showed the pictures taken of Almost Heaven in October, 2008.

A state dog warden told jurors the smell from the kennels burned her eyes and made her want to vomit.

Warden Kristen Donmeyer pointed out in pictures where feces clogged drains and animals laid in their own waste.

Donmeyer also pointed out images of severe deterioration at the kennel and its holding pens.

But then it was the defense's turn.

Using the same set of pictures, Eckhart's attorney had Donmeyer point out several clean kennels with dogs, cleaning equipment, and supplies.

The defense said when the raid happened, employees were in the process of cleaning the holding pens but were taken away from their work and confined to a courtyard while investigators took pictures.

A second raid at Almost Heaven resulted in the seizure of more than 200 dogs and more than a dozen charges against Eckhart.

The defense said the raids and the trial are an attempt by animal law enforcement officials to get headlines.

But the prosecution dismissed that claim, saying Eckhart neglected his responsibility to care for the dogs.

The Pennsylvania SPCA took the stand and showed jurors video of Almost Heaven during the raid.

Tomorrow, the Department of Agriculture will testify.

Eckhart will take the stand later this week.

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My goodness, wow... He is amazing!
Mickey and Rocky are brothers from the same litter. Mickey was the runt.



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