After hearing some feedback from some of you, I am thinking about trying Angels Eyes for the staining around Sonny's mouth. I can't tell at this time if the color of his fur is changing as his puppy coat grows out or if it is staining. He does have slight staing around the eyes but nothing too bad. So I figured before I bought it I would see if any of my fellow doodle owners have had any experiences using this product. As always, thanks!!!
angels eyes will work for both the tear and saliva stains. AE and the other tylosin (antibiotic) based products are the fastest but there are wider long term usage implictions, not to mentioon the dudious legal status.
tylosin is very bitter so you might want to introduce AE it via rolled ham etc
If you want to try a natural product that will actively boost health and prevent staining then consider naturvet or angels delight by bichon hotel. These are safe in the long term but take slightly longer, on average about a week longer.
angels eyes will work for both the tear and saliva stains. AE and the other tylosin (antibiotic) based products are the fastest but there are wider long term usage implictions, not to mentioon the dudious legal status.
tylosin is very bitter so you might want to introduce AE it via rolled ham etc
If you want to try a natural product that will actively boost health and prevent staining then consider naturvet or angels delight by bichon hotel. These are safe in the long term but take slightly longer, on average about a week longer.
I didn't realize Angel Eyes was antibiotic based. I will into th naturvet and angels delight. Week longer is no big deal in the grand scheme of a messy doodle face! Thanks!