Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi!  We are doing lots of research in the doodle world and since information is limited, I was hoping I could get some information from members about either airedoodles or shepadoodles.  We are considering both of these breeds, leaning towards airedoodle.  I would love to hear from anyone who has experience with either.  I know that this site is mainly for labradoodles and goldendoodles...hoping no one minds me asking about something different. :)

Thank you!

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I would disagree that poodles are not a family dog. We had them growing up, and I had them when my kids and grandkids were growing up. Brilliant dogs, and very easy to train, which doesn;t happen if a dog doesn't want to please you. 

Besides, every doodle gets at least 50% of his genetic material from poodles, and in many cases, a lot more than that, so if poodles were not great dogs, how could doodles be "the best all around"????? 

70% of all F1 labradoodles do shed. That's why the originator, Wally Conron, abandoned his project of creating "non-shedding" service dogs. 

I would for sure get a poodle in the future.  They are wonderful dogs and having Peri has really made me like them more.  I think they get overlooked a lot because people think they are frufru or something.

I have always loved Poodles but getting a good one here is very difficult, that's one of the reasons I have Doodles. I love these guys to bits, they are smart and goofy at the same time...and love cuddles, a wonderful combination.

If you look at the original post, she is asking about SHEPadoodles, not SHEEPadoodles. One "E", not two. There are in fact people breeding Shepherd poodle mixes, and to me, that makes just as much sense as breeding OES with poodles. They are both in the Herding group. GSDs are much smarter,  much easier to train, much less stubborn, and much easier to live with than OESes.  I don't think it's a great idea to mix either breed with poodles, but there are people breeding anything with poodles to make a buck. They are taking advantage of the belief that you can make a non-shedding Shepherd, or St. Bernard, or whatever by mixing it with a poodle. That's wrong of course, but many people don't know that until that have a big shedding dog in their house, lol, because they are doing their "research" on the websites of the people who are creating these misconceptions in the first place. 

I knew what she meant.  I was just cautioning Lynda's suggestion.  And, does anyone know of any of these breeders who test on any of the following?  Sheepadoodles, Shepadoodles, Airdoodles, Mastadoodle, and whatever else they want to mix these days?

Joanne, I was replying to Lynda, too, lol. We were posting at the same time. 

There are very few breeders of these weird mixes who are doing testing, and i would ask to see proof. Also the pedigrees on the purebreds. Those breeds can all be extremely nasty when not from good stock. If they come from mills and BYBs, look out. 

I agree with you that an OES or an OES mix would be the worst possible choice for a family with small children, and neither an OES or an Airedale is a good choice for a first time dog owner, period, either a mix or a purebred. GSDs are my favorite breed on earth, as you know, but mixing it with a poodle seems almost sacreligious to me, and between the two, you;ve covered just about every genetic disease that's out there, lol. 

I deeply and strongly agree with this statement: 

"Please Read up on TEMPERAMENT when selecting a family dog.  Not looks. Not shedding. 

What ever happened to good old fashioned Labs?"

I would add, looking for "something different" is a good idea when you are buying a dress or a car. Not a good idea when you are buying a living, sentient being that is going to be living in your home with your children for the next 12-15 years. 


Would an Aussiedoodle be categorized under the SHEPadoodle?  Arent they shepherds? 

Yes, but there are about 50 different kinds of Shepherd breeds. I think most people are talking about a GSD/poodle cross when they say "Shepadoodle". 

OIC...I've never heard of that before!  

That's because there are not very many of them, for some very good reasons. But you could find a mix of poodle with anything, and a made-up silly name to go with it, lol. You could breed your Bassett Hound with your neighbor's poodle and sell  "Bassadoodle" puppies, but doesn't mean there is really such a thing as a "Bassadoodle" hybrid or that anyone would have heard of it. It's just something you made up. "Shepadoodle" is basically the same thing. 

I agree with the cautionary advice above. To add to that keep in mind that of all the various poodle mixes out there, their only common denominator is that they are half poodle. They differ only in the OTHER breed half. So the best way to research what the best poodle mix for your family might be is to study the pure breeds involved in the mix. Would you LOVE having an OES or German shepherd or an Airedale? Our guess is probably not, but only you can decide. Next find out if reputable breeders are breeding the mix you prefer by following the guide posted by Karen.



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