Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I took Mabel to the Vet Friday because during the week she was occasionally scratching which is unusual for her. She would scratch in this spot pictures above. I looked a few times and found that it wasn't red, there were no ticks or fleas, no stingers, NOTHING. A few hours later it was red, beefy and a little bloody from her claws I imagine. The vet said she may have been stung. She may have had a little cellulitis develop after getting her vaccines because this is typically the site in which they are administered. It could have been from the Frontline since it's close to the site where Frontline would be applied. The vet told me to give her Benedryl every 8 hours. He gave me an oral antibiotic which is to be given three times a day. That is a huge challenge because she already has a sensitive stomach. We don't feed her people food and the only way I can give her medicine is to hide it in people food. The vet also gave me a spray called GenOne Spray. When I spray it on the wound she flinches, trembles and quivers. I think it's very painful to her.I thought she wasn't going to bite me when I tried to clean it ( as recommended)  She is panting a lot which is not normal. They said to wait until Wednesday and if she wasn't better to call them back. I can't sleep and wish I could take her to the vet now. My husband is traveling for work and the closest animal hospital is an hour away. I have 4 little ones sleeping. I have NO idea why this is happening or what caused it. This happened out of the blue. It seems like the vet doesn't have any idea why either. The spot seems to be getting worse. (On Friday the spot was the size of a quarter). Tonight she didn't want to play.Does anyone have any ideas or know what this might be from experience? 7.6 hours till my vet opens.  :(

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So glad she got some relief!  Hope it is all up hill now.  And I also hope you get some rest!

Thank you Lori! She greeted me at the door and was so happy she knocked me over and gave me kisses. Night and day behavior. Love those injections today! What a difference. I will sleep well tonight!  Thank you!

We have lots of people here whose dogs have seasonal allergies, and there is lots of info about it in the Health & Medical group.  But let's talk about all that later, after she's better. I hope the meds start to help relieve the pain and itching quickly. 

I am not convinced it's seasonal allergies at all, but I am part of that group and will check it out in more detail. Just like you said..after she is better. Wow, what a roller coaster. When I got back from the kids baseball games tonight, she greeted me at the door and head butted me. I sat down and she knocked me over and threw her head into my chest while wagging her tail. Then I got a kiss.  A huge thank you, I'm sure. She is already acting better. Thank you for your kind words. Look how much better it looks.. You can't see the whole thing but it's remarkably better.


That is wonderful that she is feeling so much better.
I hope it clears up well...And does not come back, whatever it might be

Wow, it does look much better. Good for Mabel baby (and you). Hope it goes away soon. Glad to hear she is feeling much better.

These hot spots can be caused by a small abrasion followed by scratching or almost anything. Sounds like this round of treatment should really help. I hope you all get some rest!

My Golden Retriever used to get hot spots now and then. I have a recipe for a solution that you put on them, it's quite easy to make... It was the only treatment that cleared it up quickly. Let me know if you'd like it.
Poodles are extremely sensitive and "owies" can really upset Shepadoodle is like that, gets depressed when something is not quite right in his world!

I was just thinking the same thing about being extremely sensitive...she is very poodle-ee and she is 100% sensitive all around. If you dislike something she is doing, a scolding will send her into depression.  You barely have to  change your tone and she gets it. She constantly burps & her stomach is sensitive. Her skin is sensitive..when she had her spay..that owie was very hard on her and she didn't walk for a week. I would love to know your home remedy. The GenOne was like acid to her. It was very sad. I'm excited to read what helped your Shepadoodle! Thank you.

Sensitive critters for sure!

Here's the recipe I used... 2 black tea bags steeped in 1/4 C. Boiling water (needs to be strong, leave
until cooled then remove bags)
1/4 C. Rubbing alcohol
2 crushed aspirins
Mix together then apply it to the hot spot with a spray bottle, or you could gently syringe it on.
I think I did this twice a day, it really cleared it up quickly!

Sounds like she's feeling much better though, that's great. Hot spots are very sore/itchy and ugly to look at, they can be quite common in thick coated dogs though.
Good luck!

Thank you! I assume if you catch the hot spot before they scratch it red and raw then this won't burn or sting?

Do you know why your dog got them so much? Where they always in the same location?

My mother had a Springer Spaniel that was allergic to everything including himself.. serious. He was always on prednisone and was a total mess all the time. Other than scratching is there something I need to watch for? Did you do this remedy on any itchy site or did you just use it when things turned really red? Mabel went from nothing, to a few scratches here and there, to a red spot and then beefy red pain in less than 24 hours. 

My Retriever only got one or two.... She had an incredibly thick coat and as I recall the spot just appeared and got large awfully fast. She didn't seem to mind the solution, the tannic acid from the tea can be very soothing and helps stop the itch while the aspirin helps with the pain. The alcohol probably helps to dry it out - which is what you want.
Jasper my Shepadoodle got a small cut on his leg a while back and he was SO out of sorts, I knew something was up with him right away because he was acting very depressed and wouldn't get up to greet me when I got home. And believe me, it was a very small cut.... Lol.



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