Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

OMG! I just tried one for the first time this past weekend. No backache, no swamped bathroom and no clean up of wet towels, etc. It was wonderful.

Update: The shop I used supplied everything, shampoo (several choices), conditioner, towels, scrubbers; even brushes and combs in the drying rooms. All I had to bring was my dog.

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I thought I might make you all feel better by letting you know I pay $85 for Phoebe's bath, nail clip and ear cleaning--NO fur trim. After reading all these posts, I certainly feel foolish! I am going to start looking into alternatives soon.
I'm moving near you. when I had the standard poodle groomed a few years ago I paid up to $90.
HMMMMM, this sounds like a small business adventure. We have nothing in my area like this. I would probably have to travel to Pittsburgh to find one. I will have to look into this further. Thanks for the idea
Karen, I know that the PetCo in Cranberry has a self service. I used it a couple years ago when Gus and I were in Pittsburgh visiting my Mom.
Hi, They are wonderful. WE have several here in Marin County (California) and there are a few in Bend, Oregon where we also spend time. The cost here is $15.00 for 40 minutes. I can just about get Winston done in 40 minutes. I usually have to ask for more air to finish the blow dry. I have been to three different places and the staff at each has been great. Most of the places here are inside pet stores. They all have very nice set ups, and they seem to be busy. There is one in Bend that is a stand alone, and several groomers here in Marin have a self wash connected to their grooming business.
I love them and use them between hair cuts. Winston only gets a professional cut every three months, I do the rest. Sure beats trying to use the tub and then doing clean up.
There are several here in my town--the best two are in car washes. It's goofily like a car wash for the dog. In a private room, up a ramp into a big tub with tie-ons, then plunk your quarters in and turn the dial to "pre-rinse," "soap," "oatmeal soap," "conditioner," "de-skunk," "rinse," etc. There is a great forced air dryer, big rubber aprons, and a place to buy treats and towels if you want them. For $5.00 or so, I'm in and out with a clean dog and no stress. Very smart. Check your car wash businesses to see if they've added this service.
We have two close to us. Our local PetCo has the self service for $10.00. Aother place close by is $15.00. I use both. Well worth the money when you don't have to clean up. Another great place is in Annapolis, MD. It's right outside the park where the dog park is that the Annapolis doodle group has their romps. It's a dog wash and coffee bar! Pretty cool. You can do the self service thing or have them do everything while you wait enjoying a drink.
Winston is 90.00 when he is groomed. So 15 a month for just a bath and me doing the grooming is just fine.
Local pet stores near me have the self dog-washes. But there is another one right next door to the car wash!!
They took out one of the car wash stall, and made it into a in-door/ self dog wash. It is just like car wash, you put your $9.00 worth of coins in, dog goes up on the ramp to the basin and you select from the dial of choices such as pre soak, shampoo, rinse, conditioner, skunk smell remover, dry, etc... (Off course the stuff comes out of shower head that you operate. This part is not like a car wash:-)
This was really convenient during the summer when Charlie got dirty or muddy at the park. We were able to enjoy ourselves and come home clean.
We have one here in Ocean Beach (SD) called Dog Beach Dog Wash. We have been using it for years (prior to getting Gracie Doodle). The owners are local and participate in our of our local fund raisers, Christmas Parade, Halloween Dog event, etc. We currently pay $9.00 and that includes everything from shampoo, brush, mitt, towels. There are other products you can pay extra for such as a conditioner or any type treatment you want to give your dog. They also have dryers if you don't want to leave with a wet Doodle! We love going there. It is the local meeting place and while you are waiting for a tub they have an area outside where we can sit and have lemonade and there are water bowls for the dogs. They also sell fun stuff like toys, leashes, collars, gifts, treats and grooming products. They have been in business for over 15 years and still going strong. It is all decorated in white with bright royal blue and is very light and cheerful. We love our Dog Beach Dog Wash!!!!!
Sounds wonderful and what a good deal!
We visited a Dog Wash for the first time last weekend. The clean-up and dry was great but I made the mistake of taking both silly doodles at the same time. Zeke did great waiting his turn but Lily was totally out of control wanting to meet and greet all the other folks in the place. Neither dog wanted to walk up the ramp so I had to lift 50 plus of dog 4 times ( not fun when soaking wet!). I did like the ease of the bath in the high tub and not having to clean up after the shake. From now on I'll take one dog at a time and we will work on the ramp thing. Overall it is a great service, we will definately do it again.



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