Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone! New here. I'm so glad I found DK, I've read so much helpful info and have thoroughly enjoyed looking at everyones doodles!

We got Knox, an F2B goldendoodle, about a month and a half ago--he is now 14 weeks old and doing great! One thing I am DYING to know is what he might look like when he's older! We have another doodle, Nolan (F1 who is Knox's father), that looks 100% retriever, so we were hoping to have a more shaggy/doodley looking pup this go round. Knox is definitely more fluffy/shaggy than Nolan ever was but I cannot figure out what he will end up looking like. He started out just a ball of fluff, now he is shedding puppy fur and acquiring a coarser/wavyish stripe down his back that kinda parts in the middle. However his sides look like fleece, and the hair on top of his head is Albert Einstein crazy! Here of some pics of his coat recently.. Does anyone have a doodle that resembled him? Thanks in advance! :) 


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Knox is 7 months! He is definitely starting to look more doodley.. Still shedding little puffs but it has slowed quite a bit. He's such a good boy, we love him so much!

Knox's coat looks thick and doodley to me!



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