Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone tried Costco's flea & tick control product. Are you finding it works? Here in NJ Costco sells Frontline Plus for $37 &  the Costco equivalent is $20.


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Short answer, no. There is really nothing wonderful, natural and safe out there. The Cedarcide , which some people swear by was so offensive to my olfactory cells I couldn't use it. I don't know how well ot would have worked. IT repels but doesn't kill.


you mentioned you do not have mosquitoes in your area. You may be able to use a product that is less--well TOXIC.

Just my thoughts.  We have Flea, Mosquitoes, and Ticks.

We use k9 Advantix II because of Fleas, Ticks, and Mosquitoes, but someone in your area  could use just K9 Advantage, which is only for Fleas.  Of course, Advantage in less expensive.

I think it depends on the area you live in when you are considering  a product.

As for the best product--that is one topic we never agree on   :)

Depends what your definition of "safe" is. It may also depend on the dog.

Of all the flea/tick preventatives out there, both of Jack's specialists (dermatology and internal medicine)as well as his regular vet want him on Frontline Plus, in part because it has been around for a very long time and is made by an established, reputable company. He cannot get fleas; a flea infestation would amount to a death sentence for him. So it's a risk/benefit issue for us, but effectiveness is obviously also important.

I've used it on him since I got him, with no reactions. Last week, though, he seemed out of sorts for about a day after I applied it. Lethargy, and periods of restlessness. I was concerned, but it went away. I think it may have had something to do with his being on so many other meds and supplements. If it happens next month, I'll talk to the vets about it.

Depends what your definition of "safe" is. It may also depend on the dog.

That's the truth.  I suppose safe is not the correct term.  Lesser of two evils, would be a better phrase.

I'm not really talking about what is the best product as much as I was saying, what variety of the product does she need.

But in Adina's case, does she really need so much product if there are no Mosquitoes?  More would not be best. Just my thoughts when I saw her asking.

Mosquitoes have nothing to do with this. They carry heartworm. Products like Interceptor are designed for that. Fleas and ticks are the primary targets of Frontline.

Right. No need for HW protection in some areas, including much of the Pacific NW. But they do need flea/tick preventatives.

I use a product that prevents all THREE. 

What I meant was, I use a product that also repeals mosquitoes.  I have a choice.

  •   Flea only ( Advantage)
  •   Flea, Tick and Mosquito ( Advantix II)

My area has a huge Mosquito problem. Some evenings we can not go outside. I do not want the dog getting bit either.  I realize that you must give a separate Heartworm preventative. I use Heartguard for that.  My thoughts are to keep them away entirely.  That is why I choose one over the other.

I'll have to look into if there are added ingredients in one vs the other.   My thoughts were, plan Advantage would have less ingredients because it is only fighting fleas, where Advantix would have additional. 

Of course I am not a vet but doubt the other stuff is a problem in terms of immediate interactions. The Frontline is an oily product designed to get into the hair follicles. If it is absorbed through the skin itself I would think it is slow process and unlikely to reach high concentrations in the bloodstream immediately or at all. I go back to one swallow doesn't make a spring. You are very vigilant with JD now for good reasons but sometimes it may mean over interpreting something. We all have off days.

You're probably right, F. I probably wouldn't even have noticed it, but he woke me at 3 a.m. pacing and panting, and he never does that. I had applied the Frontline about 12 hours earlier.

I would like to know (and I am being serious) why there is not a product for humans to take that would prevent getting ticks. Something besides a spray with deet.....something that would kill them if they attatched to you. I live in the woods in Indiana and I can't go outside in my yard without getting a tick. It is creepy! Right now they are the tiny deer ticks and they are very hard to see when they are on you! I am getting tired of doing the magnifying glass search before every shower.  It is not fun to have the DH go over every inch of me with a magnifying glass!!  My lucky doodle never gets them!!

When trekking in Brazil with a bunch of men it was my job to go through their hairy legs every day to check for ticks!  They insisted on wearing shorts!  I wore long trousers tucked into my socks lol 

Nicky...did you volunteer for that job?  Brave lady!



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