Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We are in the search for our first family dog. We like the apricot or car male, reddish color with wavy (not curly) hair type. Is it possible to have an f1 English goldendoodle that is apricot in color? All the breeders we find only have the english goldens in ultra light/creme color. Does anyone out there have an english in apricot coloring that has stayed apricot in color as an adult? Thanks in advance!!

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I suppose if you had a breeding pair with an English retriever and red poodle, apricot is certainly a possibility. I know there are breeders pairing a golden retriever with a darker poodle.

I would expand beyond the "English" because as you well know when you mix two breeds you aren't necessarily going to get the English parts you want.  You could just as easily get the poodle bone structure or the poodle temperament, etc.  You can't guarantee.  So when you want Apricot, loose wave, English looks, English temperament...well it's a lot of 'ifs' and it's hard to get 100% everything in the right combo when it is a mixed breed. 

I agree with Adina that you may not want to limit yourself to "english" only. The genetics are all a toss-up, but that's what makes it fun!

Do you consider this an apricot?
 photo imagejpg2_zps0217e6f7.jpg
Yogi is an F1 English golden doodle
Thanks guys! This is really helpful and you're right-I don't think I should limit to just english goldens. My priority is the reddish/apricot color and wavy hair. What's your recommendation on finding breeders based on what your looking for? I was searching for F1 apricot goldens but having trouble. Should I expand to other breeds that have apricot (F1B etc). Any input on how you did your search would be great bc I've spent hours already with no luck near maryland or anywhere for that matter.

I would start by making a list of reputable breeders and then look at each one in more detail as far as temperament, coat types, and colors to narrow your search. Unfortunately, most people have to travel to get their doodle. I'm not sure if you are set on an F1 for any particular reason, but F1b is also a great option. F1 and F1b describe generations- they are not a separate "breed", but rather a different genetic set. My puppy is an F1b standard goldendoodle- she is a red fleece wave coat, but she is not english. Where have you been looking? I would try going to the Goldendoodle Association of North America website and trying the breeders on their recommended list. 

Have you seen Cliberdoodle yet?

Our goldendoodle Beowoof is a red/apricot F1b. His mother is an F1 apricot bred from an English Cream Golden Retriever and a red Standard Poodle. Beowoof's father is also a red Standard Poodle. So, you can get the color. His litter had a mix of reds and creams. It really seems like luck of the draw.

Picking a color seemed really important when I was first looking. What I enjoy most now are his sweet disposition, goofball personality and doodle hugs. :-)

I'm not set on F1 but thought that's the best way to ensure a non curly coat-but lose shaggy look. Is this not true? I don't want the poodle look. Do F1B have same temperament as F1 goldens?

I have no clue where to look so have just been googling and turning in circles. If you have any great sites of how to find reputable breeders id appreciate it. Thanks!
F1 is more LIKELY to have a wavy coat than an F1B, but in general it's a crapshoot. Our girl came from a litter of 10 dark red puppies. All of her siblings (that we know of) have turned a sandy blonde color...our girl is still a pretty red. Could we have known that when we picked her? Absolutely not. Do we love her anymore BECAUSE of her color? We love her more than we could ever imagine, and that wouldn't change even if she turned blue! She's an F1, but not English cream.

Every puppy's temperament is different so there is no way to say what the "typical" F1 or F1b puppy is like. Similar to temperament, coat types can range greatly within a single litter. You can usually look at a puppy's coat and take a pretty good guess at what the adult coat will look like, though.

Below is my F1b. As you can see, it is very possible to have a wavier, loose coat with this generation. It is important to note, however, that the looser the coat, the more likely it is to see some shedding.

Try this list as a start:
Googling will lead you to a lot of puppy mills and backyard breeders that are not reputable places to get a puppy :)

Beautiful doodle!  We want our next doodle to be a dark apricot color just like yours!

If you haven't done so already, please start your search here:



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