Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

This is probably a very naive question.  I volunteer at the hospital on Tuesdays, and on my way in this morning I was behind a panel truck with a picture of a dog and cat on the side and it said Pet Crematory.  This kind of made me sad, but then I noticed that the truck turned into the building with is a large medical research facility associated with the hospital.  I followed it, and it went into the back loading dock area.  The driver got out and went inside, and I left.  It really started me wondering if dogs and/or cats are being used for the medical research that goes on here.  It gave me a really sick feeling.  Is this something that happens regularly or (hopefully) it was a coincidence and the truck was there for something else.  I couldn't find anything online about this as it pertains to our area hospital.  It has been bothering me all afternoon.

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I did not know this went on in this day and age. How very sad that we hold these sweet animals in such low regard.
Camilla, I remember your discussion and even participated.  But my approval is actually intellectual so, Jane, I would have been very, very disturbed, as you were when you saw the truck.

This is something that often keeps me up at night.  I have read several things on animal/medical research.  I try to buy products that don't do animal testing.  Not always easy because I have had to switch from brands I love (Aveeno, Tide, Loreal, Proctor & Gamble, Johnson & Johnson etc.).  But it is something I am passionate about. 


There is a animal shelter in Michigan that regularly sold unwanted animals to a medical research facility.  I think that has now been stopped now.  I understand not every shelter can be "no-kill" but that is unthinkable to me.


My latest peeve is the big companies that buy small dog food companies who test on animals.  For example, the company that bought the Natura pet food line regularly does animal testing.  So while they are manufacturing food for our pets, they are testing their other products on those same type of animals?!?!?!  That is one I cannot stomach.  I happened to be one that bought EVO and while they claim they wouldn't change their formula, their overall company policy on animal testing has stopped me from purchasing this any longer. 


There are also dog food manufacturers who do animal testing as well.  That is another hot button.  I have read articles and seen videos of things I wish I never had.  The one that comes to mind is Iams. 

You made a very good point, Lori. Sometimes, choosing to buy a product involves issues beyond the product itself such as patronizing or supporting a company that uses practices which go against our own ethics. I hadn't thought about the connection between P & G's buyout of Natura, and the parent company's animal testing practices.
Thank you, Lori.  I guess I need to do a lot more research into the brands that I'm choosing.  I guess that's the least I can do...not support a product that is testing on cats and dogs.
Unfortunately, dogs are subject to medical research testing (e.g., use of beagles to test the impact of osteoporosis), but the species most often used for medical research are mice, rats, pigs, rabbits, and monkeys.  Almost every brand-name prescription drug that has been approved since 1962 and several over-the-counter drugs have been tested in one or more of these animal groups.  Why?  Before FDA allows a drug company to test the use of a new investigational drug in human clinical trials, the drug must undergo extensive testing in animals to assess the appropriate dose, potential toxicity levels, potential carcinogenicity, etc.  Understandably, you don't want to administer a new drug to a human without understanding potential safety issues, but when it involves animal testing, it's definitely an ethical quandry.

This topic always brings to mind one of my all time FAVBORITES  Paul McCartney and his song called "Time For a Chnage"  if you have never heard it here is the link - listen to the words - AWESOME


The hospital system my husband works for has a lab that does animal testing.  They have to have an armed security guard outside the door 24/7 because of people trying to gain access to free the animals.  From what he said, speaking about this lab only, they really are as humane as you can possibly be.  Its a sad situation all the way around and the scientists there told him that they do it as a last resort when other means of testing are not effective but in the end the human race is what they are most concerned with.  I do agree with it for human medical research only but absolutely not for cosmetics, health & beauty,etc.   


I just listened, Denise.  I guess that song really does sum it all up.  Thank you so much for sharing this.
Yes dogs are used for medical research, pretty disgusting.  If you go to the PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) website, I'm pretty sure you'll find some info there.  Thinking in another direction, maybe the crematorium company uses the incinerator at the hospital???



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