I have heard of getting meds mailed to your home, but I just got a catalog in the mail this week and just looked through it.... it was called "Doctors Foster and Smith". While browsing through it - I saw dog vitamins (which coincidentally coincides to my last forum post) and "AT-HOME" vaccinations! Anything from Parvovirus to Lymes to Bordetella which comes with a video on how to vaccinate at home. I don't know... I think even with the high costs of vet visits, I'd rather go to the vet for her shots....
The problem with heartworm is that if the dog has heartworm they can have life threatening reactions from the medication. Interesting, this article from MarVista says 2-3 year testing would suffice if you treat all year , which I do. http://www.marvistavet.com/html/body_diagnosis_of_heartworm_disease...
Now I remember... Ivermectin is the name of the chemical?? that is supposed to not be good for aussies...I spoke to my vet, but he said she's onlypart aussie and it's only a small part. I don't know... Actually, it's coming up on the time to begin the medication again I really have to start looking into this more ~ especially that we have a man made pond inour yard - man-made or not - it still attracts mosquitos...
Yes....kind of. They are more of a horse and farm feed store, but also sell dog items. I did a double take the first time I walked by the refrigerator and saw dog & cat vaccines. They also sell syringes, needles, probiotics and bottles of injectable penicillin. Kind of weird considering human pharmacy's must keep these things behind the counter.