I have heard of getting meds mailed to your home, but I just got a catalog in the mail this week and just looked through it.... it was called "Doctors Foster and Smith". While browsing through it - I saw dog vitamins (which coincidentally coincides to my last forum post) and "AT-HOME" vaccinations! Anything from Parvovirus to Lymes to Bordetella which comes with a video on how to vaccinate at home. I don't know... I think even with the high costs of vet visits, I'd rather go to the vet for her shots....
I, as well as many other breeders order puppy shots from them. They are a good company. Having said that.... I think it's important that your pup see your vet regularly. They need to watch their weight, check stool and give you heartworm meds, which need a prescription. They also check ears and gums. A vet visit is so much more then just shots. Even though I give my pups their shots, they still see my vet for a check up. If you only have 1-3 dogs, it really isn't much of a savings to order vaccines and give them yourself. Breeders buy them in bulk and still have to be careful because they do expire.
I agree April. I was a bit taken back when I saw that. I, myself, would never give my dog her vaccinations. I'd be too worried. Actually, the last time Tori had a rabbi shot (I think - it was the one that lats 3 years) she had a bad reaction and her eyes swelled up and she vomited about 1/2 hour after we got home. That was scary... I'm even afraid to give her the heartworm because I read that white footed dogs sometimes have a reaction, as well as the front-line...(she's such a sensitive pup) BUT I'm such a worry-wart anyway :-\
I might think about doing them myself if the savings were significant. I find it interesting that the laws have changed now so that MDs can't prescribe meds. for animals. Needless to say checkups are important and I would not skip that. But for most vaccinations a tech just administers them anyway and the vet does not see the dog. If you get many vaccinations, like Lyme , leptospirosis in addition to the usual it gets quite costly. If they have vaccine in single dose preps. it would seem that it has to be less expensive to give them at home and I would feel comfortable with that.
Thanks. I never heard of this. Maybe it's something I can use instead of Heartgard. I know there has been some discussion on this in the past. The last time she took this she got sick - maybe a coincidence, but...I did hear that some whitefooted dogs such as aussies and collies had a problem (she's half australian shepherd???) I actually haven't given it to her since... I know that's bad!
I heard on another site (one that raises aussiedoodles) that they also recommend Interceptor. Revolution does seem kind of high. I think I will try Interceptor... and so the fun begins...
I was told by Jack's specialist that Revolution doesn't protect against any of the things it's supposed to protect against as well as the separate drugs do. She mostly uses it as a "catch-all" for dogs who are suspected of having been exposed to parasites, or for dogs where their past veterinary history is unknown (rescues) but doesn't recommend it on a regular basis.
I use Interceptor too. If you get a larger dosage, for a dog twice the weight, and your dogs are about the same weight you can cut the pill in half and save money.
That's true... I was worried about the 'freshness' and 'preparations". But listening here it makes me wonder... [Between Tori's visits to the ER twice for overnight stays... she owes us big time already - (There goes her college fund - lol) ]