Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We just spent a very nice and relaxing afternoon with Jenn (of Jennifer and Jack). I don't know if Monty remembered her, but he sure was not skimpy on all the kisses. Auggie was fighting very hard for attention as well (he is so deprived).

We got to chat, enjoy a meal, and play with the doodles for a while. What a perfect afternoon.

It was so great to see you, Jenn! Hope your stay in CO is a good one.


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Replies to This Discussion is very hard for me to see pictures of me ..I am so swollen and fat from all the steroids...and I don't feel like I look in the pictures..but it means staying around to enjoy wonderful days like yesterday I will take it!
All I see is a gorgeous smile and a good heart. Two sure signs of a beautiful person.
Thank you heart is happy for sure...and so grateful for the chance to be here...though I wish they would stop finding things wrong with

Jarka, I really love your boys.   I'm so glad you were able to spend some "Doodle time" with Jennifer. 

What a great doodlekisses tribute!  Jarka-sharing your lovely dudes, your home and your table-so special.  I have a feeling that smile on Jenn's face is directly attributed to your warm welcome and some doodle hugs.  

Jenn-feel better soon and get on back to Jack!  

Love the photos Jarka.  Thanks for posting.  Hoping Jennifer has a good stay and gets some needed help for her airway.

Jarka, thanks for sharing this with us! Jenn, my thoughts and prayers are with you. And you are beautiful, from the inside out, no matter what.

Thanks....I know it is just vanity but when you are a girl it's hard not to drs always joke they will give me a note to say its the

Great photos!!  Hugs and prayers to you Jenn.

Thanks...I am confident in National Jewish helping me, my spirits are great and even better now that I got some doodle love.....Monty and Auggies relationship really reminded me of Jack ad Molly's so it was fun to see and watch.

I love DK for many reasons but one of the main ones is the amazing people with hearts of gold on here.
Thanks....i am trying not to get my hopes up that they can help..but it is so hard not to pray i am a candiadte for this surgery.

I miss Jack so much....when I FaceTime him he looks right at me in the computer I don't know what he can see but it does my heart good to see him happy and tail wagging

Oh I have pictures of us together but for one she told me I wasn't allowed to post them on here and for two I couldn't even if she gave permission because I am on my iPad and can't add pictures here on them......

Jarka is beautiful!

Oh, you can post (or email me and I will post). Just not the one where Auggie is sniffing me at undecent places. ;-) I prefer standing behind the camera as well.



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