Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone!


Chewie and I have been checking in, but I really haven't had much time the last month or so to post and/or start a discussion.  We have moved (in with my daughter and her family) and I'm sure I don't have to tell you what that involved...whew, I'm exhausted!  I'm starting to feel settled and thought I'd catch up a little.


This is a move we have contemplated for quite some time now...almost since five years ago when I lost my husband.  Julie and I are very close, my son-in-law is wonderful and totally on board with this and I am with my two granddaughters daily as it was (how wonderful is that!).  Even still, we thought and talked and talked somemore and planned and wanted to make sure.  So, I'm leasing my home out (rather than take a hugh loss), so the extra income will be nice also.  Chewie and I have been here about 2-1/2 weeks and are feeling at home.  Even though he was obviously very familiar with Julie's home, he had never stayed overnight.  It took him a few days, but he now seems quite comfortable.


Now for the update I owe all of you after Chewie's bootcamp experience in September.  He is doing great!  He is much better obeying commands and has calmed down a lot.  He doesn't "look" to get into trouble.  Even being here with so many more toys around, he has, for the most part, been ignoring them.  Drop and leave-it commands now mean something to him.  He still can get an attitude on occasion, but it happens much less often.  Overall, he is a very good boy and we couldn't be more thrilled with his progress!  We actually have one more visit owed to us by the trainer as part of the bootcamp package and we have put it off with the possible anticipation of a problem cropping up because of the move.  Thankfully, hasn't been an issue at all.


Well, this is enought of a book to read.  Looking forward to being back and participating more here at DK.


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Thanks so much for the warm welcome back...not that I was really gone that long. LOL. Now that we have settled in, I want to step up Chewie's training...haven't spent as much time due to the move, but have really not seen any regression. He is so smart and picks everything up very fast. The next thing to "perfect" is a good place command. He has been so very happy to be here with all of his family, especially the girls. He has been so good with them. I can't believe he will be 18 months old on thd 12th!
Welcome back! I am happy for you - sounds like life is settling down and Chewie is doing awesome.
Glad to hear that Chewie is doing so well and that the transition has been good!
I have been wondering about Chewie's boot camp!!! I'm so glad to hear that it all went well!!!! Welcome back!
Welcome back and I'm so glad Chewie is doing great. Yes, please when you have the time would love to hear about boot camp.



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