Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Help needed!  My 2 goldendoodles have been in and out in the snow all day.  They love the snow but they are in misery when they come in -- just covered with ice/snow balls -- all over their paws, legs, bellies.  We try, but we cannot get them off.  For a while, they cannot even sit or lie down.  Then they melt and they leave puddles all over the house.  By the time they are dry, they want to go out again!  Anyone have any tips?  

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I put them in the tub and used a hand held shower to melt them with warm water. Worked like a dream. So how much did you all end up with. I only got 20" at our place in Waldorf.
The warm tub works great for me too. I carry him in (it works because he's a mini) and put him right in the warm tub. The bathroom floor is covered with towels. He's pretty short now, so he dries quickly. Just in time for the next time outside.
Give up and let it melt. I have. Of course, I can't fight 2 feet a snow and 2 feet of doodles who just love to play in the stuff. I got out the mop.
I am sure others have a better idea, I just don't.
Here Here Jane
I'll pray for you , my dear!!! Rainy season next.
Get out a mop and lay down towels and alternate with warm ones from the dryer. My doodles favorite thing is to be held like babies and toweled off.
I took the hairdryer to them today and just let them melt on the bathroom floor. But Mater was right back out in it. He would LOVE the 20" some of you got! (me too). We only got 6-7" in central Indiana.
I put Charlie in a towel lined ex-pen, right next to the heat vent and blast the heat. I also wrap her feet with steamed towel ( wet the towel and micro wave it ) to let them melt faster.
Oh a "steam towel"...I want to live at your house!!! : )
I have rugs from the back door to their room. I put a huge comforter down on the floor and just put them in there to melt. They are so tired that they just sleep. I have also used a bowl of luke warm water at the door to dip their feet, but that was messy, so I've just started putting them in their room and letting them melt. They are too soaked to be on the furniture anyway.
Mine wear coats which helps some. When they come in I put old beach towels on the floor and put a gate up. If they have too much snow/ice on them I use a hand held shower to rinse them off.

Molly after a short time in the snow..

For the feet I use the paw plunger.



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