Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

   Hello doodle family, I was just at the store getting gas when some man came up and said what kind of dog is that I told him a doodle, the man just look at me and said and I quote"thats a big dog". I said yea but no bigger that an golden retriever again he just look at kash. I wondering do other people get the same reaction in there town?? me I get tried of hearing it , even by family members. It just make me want to scream!! they act like kash is great dane (I've always wanted one) or something, im gald kash cant understand what they are saying cause he might not give them any more kisses :).Do any one have this happening to them and there pet.......negative remarks????


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when we are walking Trixie People often say Look at that big white dog!  Which cracks me up.  Because she is not big. 

She weighs almost 49#  & is not real tall.  She & one of her sisters are the smallest in the litter. 

I wish she was bigger- I really wanted a big Doodle.  But I would never trade her : )

We saw 2 of her Brothers this weekend & They are Big!  1 is only 6# bigger then her- but he is about 3-4" taller Id say.  The other is about 11# more & he is 1-2" taller maybe then his brother.

For me I dont think saying a dog is big is negative.  But thats just me

My Webster is 88 lbs and between 26-27 inches at the shoulder.  To me he is not a BIG dog, to me BIG dogs are Newfies, St. Bernards, Danes, Wolfhounds.  To the rest of the world which he encounter, he is HUGE.  When we go to Home Depot & Lowes, sometimes I will hear "hey! look at that BIG dog" and I'll look around for a big dog only to realize that everyone is looking at me :-)  I guess it's all perspective.....

Hops is 65 pounds and his hair is short for the summer, and just this week someone came up to me and aske if he was 90 pounds! Some people even get a little scared of him because of his size...

I never would have thought Hops was that big.  I remember photos of him in your arms.

My girls are both about 45 pounds, which I consider to be medium sized, but still we sometimes hear how big they are. Its all relative. It doesn't bother me though, I just assume they must be more used to tiny dogs. My mom thinks my dogs are huge, but hers are about 15 pounds. I love big dogs! More often than not we just hear how beautiful they are, and that never gets old :)

Big, bigger, or biggest? I like 'em big - but I like 'em little, too.  Our last Shepherd was 27" and 112 - you betcha he turned heads, but nobody commented on his size, not - lots of eye popping, eye rolling, and so on. Yep - he was a big boy!  Frankly he just looked like a good breed rep, but they aren't supposed to be that big.    The one previously was actually bigger, 29" but only 80lbs!  However, we also had at the same time a nine pound Yorkie - who everybody liked to comment on how 'big' she was and that ticked me off regularly - why? Because it was so apparent that the folks commenting were accustomed to those genetic mutations of three pounders - forgotten what the dog was supposed to be.   I did get lots of commentary about my 'ferocious beast' or the 'big dog' -


Now if we are talking to someone about dogs, mention our girl and as soon as we say Standard Poodle mix - we get raised eyebrows - wow, those are cool.....  Go figure.....   I am apparently a gal who prefers the ends of the spectrum, big enough to not have to bend over and strong enough to pull me up a hill - - or small enough to tote around....   When you go to the beach and the big GSD tries to crawl into your purse while the tiny lap dog looks at him like he's nutz - well, I guess you had to be there.


I don't know why - but I am glad that I'm not the only one who tires are comments sometimes.  It's tough to determine whether the remarks are kind or sarcastic. It's tough to sift through sometimes.  I get tired of "where did you get her?" I get tired of 'purebred' people who look at mutts as an insult, and same goes for those rescue fanatics who think purebreds are scum.   From one end of the spectrum to another!     Whether we cut their hair, feed them what,  get them where, paid how much, etc etc - there will be commentary.    The older I get seems to leave me in a position to flip responses from curt, to ignore, to blunt to zing.      

I hear a lot of 'oh, mutts are the BEST' -  sometimes it makes me laugh out loud....





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