I'm a first time labradoodle owner. I got Gatsby when he was 8 weeks old from the animal shelter. He's 5 months now. Over the past few months I've noticed tiny tufts of fur on the floor (no bald spots). Not a lot, and not very big. However, within the past few weeks I've found more and more. Also, I've never found just individual strands -- they're just tufts.
In your opinion, is he blowing his fur and this will stop? Or is he shedding and it's going to get worse?
I don't know what generation he is. I'm guessing his parents were full blood lab and standard poodle respectively.
Gatsby is adorable. I'm guessing he's shedding. I have two non-shedding Doodles, and I never found any tufts of hair when my older guy went through the coat change. My 8 month old is now starting the coat change, and I'm not finding any "tufts" or strands on the floor either. Instead he's matting....I'm not sure which is worse.
Rachel - it will be worse during this time since his coat is changing. It sounds like he will always shed though (based on his fur type). I would guess it will subside, but might take a while. Peri, for example, doesn't shed, but she did shed and matt during her coat change (probably 6 months to 1 year - it takes a while).
You can always try the "mother in law" test. Send your MIL, wearing white pants, into a room with Gatsby. She will let you know if he's shedding or not!!!