Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Anyone make a purchase yet?  Today it reached in the high 80's and we had Enzo at a carshow.  The payment, I could tell was getting hotter and hotter as the day progressed.  We have Enz with us all the time and I'm worried about her burning her pads.  Last year, she was still small enough I could pick her up....this year....not so much!  So thinking about investing in some "stylish" boots for my Girl and her paws.   Suggestions/ recommend?  Anything I should stay away from?


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When we were up I the mountains one summer we found out the asphalt could reach temperatures over 110 degrees. We used Cocoa's Muttluks boots and they were perfect.
Thank you! I was actually looking at the Muttluks. Just ordered her a pair!

Great choice. The Best Choice.   You will love your Muttluks for many years to come. 


I have Muttluks for Ragley from this past winter and I LOVE them. She loves the snow and was going nuts running and jumping and rolling; going up hills, sprinting down hills, running in deeper snow, going on walks on ice, etc. and we never once lost a boot. I can tell they are very comfortable for her, as well, as they did not slow her down a beat. You will love them. We will likely be using them for the summer heat on pavement as well.

Great! Cocoa didn't like them for the first 5 minutes and then she got used to them and was fine.
Are you just trying to show off with this post? It snowed here today and I am beginning to think spring will never come :((
ps glad you ordered the mutt lucks, I hear they are the only way to go ;)
Here in California WINTER never came )-: !
;). There's a reason shy we live in San Diego!
LOL.......we'll let you know!

Do you think that Muttluks would stay on in muddy conditions?  I'm asking, because I would like to let Wally and Charlotte run around on the muddy, shell-scattered bottom of the cove on the Cape, when the tide is out and we go clamming.  Would they stay on their feet?  I have kept them out of the cove at low tide, because I'm afraid that the broken clam shells (left by the birds) could cut their paw pads.  

Laurie, I have use them in muddy conditions but I used the snow (boots-not-- lined-the yellow ones)  in the mud. They just didnt seem to be made for that at all, but I didnt want Spud's feet wet ( we had an infection a few years ago because of constant washing of his paws.

They do stay on their feet in the heavy snow and I had no problems with them in the mud either.  Possibly the All weather would be better 



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