Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Every now and then I read about others getting the impression that their doodles are bored because they are lying around, doing nothing, looking 'sad', or something akin to that.  To me a dog laying around, relaxing is a dog that is perfectly content. 


Bored to me looks like Boca the second we sit down on the couch and if she were to instruct another dog to mimic her the instructions would look like this (substitute your brother/sister for "Rosco"):

1.  Poke Mom and Dad a few times asking for petting.

2.  When petting ceases poke them again, especially if laptops are on their laps.

3.  You will probably be told to 'back up' because they can't see their keyboard if your head is there.

4.  Pace back and forth through living room.

5.  Go ring the bell* to go out.

6.  Walk back to living room.

7.  Circle around Rosco whose being boring by lying on the floor at their feet.

8.  Ring bell again

9.  Return because bell is being ignored.

10.  Poke Mom and Dad

11.  Walk over Rosco a few times

12. Poke Rosco

13.  Keep poking Rosco (occasionally this will result in some wrestling so keep at it!).

14.  Ring bell

15.  Ring bell

16.  Pace back and forth from bell to living room a few times.

17.  Ring bell

18.  Stare at Mom and Dad and if possible, poke again.

19.  Ring bell.


THIS to me is the picture of boredom.  NOT Rosco who is laying there perfectly content to warm our toes. So to me when I see dogs/doodles laying around and chillaxin' I think 'Ahhhh, what happy content doggies!"  When I see Boca I feel bad because I'm DONE for the day and she's just caught her second wind...I also feel bad for me because her energy at that time drives me a bit bonkers...okay a lot bonkers.  Time to buy some new bones for her to chew on, I think!


*At this point in the night ringing the bell is 99% simply for the purpose of being outside, possibly digging, possibly finding her favorite ball and digging with it or if she's lucky getting a game of fetch.  Said activities are generally 95% of the reason she rings the bell through the day. 

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Peri does that too.  And she will sometimes let out this sigh and them a small whine. DH says that is when she "wants pets".
Does it ever cross any ones mind that dogs should rest? I'll try to explain.
Spud needs to be forced to S T O P. Once we say, " all done, Spud" after we just can' t take the annoying ball, he collapses. Exhausted.
My theory is, he has the working dog mentality, with an obligation to be a good dog and continue to fetch until he is told, all done or just can't take it anymore.
I've begun to think it becomes a game of "uncle" between owner and dog.
Maybe they are not bored, just a working obligated dog?
Probably.  But 'all done' from me only keeps her away for 2 minutes.    She doesn't like any attempts to stop her...she is a workaholic :)
Fudge is like this too. She will go and go outside. Never sits down to rest. She is the one I have to watch like a hawk. When we come inside, I say something like, "Time for a nap," and she goes right to sleep. She comes home from the Pet sitter and doggie daycare (doesn't go anymore) overly exhausted because they do not believe me when I say she is tired and needs to be made to stop.
I agree so much!  When Peri is pacing, barking, going back and forth between us, I think she is bored!  But sleeping at our feet?  No way!

This is so typical of our evenings - Scarlet our cat plays the part of Roscoe much to her dismay.

He will also roll a ball under furniture and try to get it out and I think he really knows he can't but Mom or Dad can.

This is why all tennis balls have been banished to outside. Not only did Luca drive me nuts with this but he accidentally tore the couch. He still tries to sneak balls in.
I have a friend who has a boxer. When she was younger and her mom was testing leaving her out of the crate she came home one day to find that Lola had dug a hole through the seat of the couch straight through and out the bottom. Her ball had gotten lodged under the cuoch and this is what she did to get it back. It was a brand new couch too!
Yup...same here!
I banned them too. Fudge deliberately puts them under the couch or furniture and then starts digging to get them out, if we ignore her looks.
Oh yes, Luca is very deliberate most of the time when things are put in accessible places.
Owen has managed to mangle the lining under the furniture in his attempts to retrieve the toys he has pushed under the couch and chairs. I'm learning to care less. ;o)



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