Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My habit is coffee and checking the computer first thing in the morning.  I give Meg a bite of yogurt then go sit down.  She knows I keep a small brush by the computer, she is such a heavy shedder that we keep them everywhere and try not to miss an opportunity.  Meg's habit is to eat her yogurt and then come and interrupt my private morning time.  I generally let her come up and lay across my lap...she is a good size dog so imagine hind feet on floor, paws in my lap and head looking me straight in the eyes.  Then she lays her belly across my lap and if I am using the mouse her head goes straight down on that hand so it can't move.  I generally pick up the brush and spend some time grooming at that point. 

This morning I was a bit distracted as I was looking up 'how to' videos for a messenger bag my granddaughter wants me to help her with today.  Apparently Meg thought I was interrupting HER time at that point, she pulled back and then kept shoving her nose into my chest until I started brushing again, at which point she lays down calmly...can we just say spoiled rotten?

Does your dog push you around as well?

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Calling Meg bossy is more tongue in cheek.  When she is told no she knows what it means.

I usually watch the news and drink coffee after I feed them breakfast. This is our cuddle time and Zoe will plop down on my lap and I have to scratch her back. If I stop to either pet Ben or sip my coffee she paws and scratches at me until I resume her back scratch! Spoiled!

I get a bark for a toy now and then. I have to say, Spud is the least demanding dog I have ever had. So sure of himself, he will just go on to do something else.
My labs were the most demanding of all, with those noses nudging for love and attention, but really, what is wrong with a dog reaching out to humans for companionship? My human sons ( adults ) continue to be the most demanding.

I don't think of Sedona as bossy (she's too sweet natured); I think of her more as the evening choreographer.  Once we settle in for some TV watching, the staring begins.  She stares at "daddy", he asks her to show him what she wants - maybe a snack, maybe some squeaky ball time, maybe outside for potty.  They do it.  She stares again.  He guesses again.  This goes on for awhile until Sedona's satisfied, then she'll settle in for the evening.

Myla will come to me if I'm sitting at the computer or on the couch watching TV and gently put her nose on my lap and stare at me.  If I ignore her, she starts putting her nose under my arm or hand and moving me.  If I still ignore her, she goes to her toy basket and grabs one of her squeaky toys (which she NEVER plays with at other times) and lays beside me constantly squeaking the toy until I pay attention!  It's hilarious!

In my house we call that nudging and it isn't allowed...I don't like it....Molly is way worse then Jack....jack never used to do me, it is too bossy ....It is a pet peeve of mine..

I do respect Jack and what he wants like when he asks for a walk or a treat or extra food...I usually stop what I am doing and give it to him, including. A walk...but if I say no I don't want to hear about it.....with nudging to be pet ..I always say No nudge and then if they are quiet for a while I will pet them.

A lot of people would like at me and think my dog has me wrapped. Some things though just drive me nuts...

My DH was just talking about this very topic this morning. Kona is more polite than most people I know (including me!). When we are petting Owen, he will stand back about five feet and wait quietly. When we are petting Kona, Owen charges into us pushing our arms with his snout trying to "make" us pet him. It doesn't matter that for 2 1/2 years we haven't given into it and make him go lay down. He never stops trying to push us around. When we are on the computer he lays his face right across the key board... EVERY DAY! And every time I move his face, scold him and make him lie down. But he still pushes his face into the computer multiple times a day for both my DH and me. 

We have found that at 2 1/2 he does seem to care if we get angry with him for misbehaving. But this is new in the past few months. Whew. He's a pushy pig boy.



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