Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Looking for wisdom and experience concerning boundary training.  We will be opening our cottage in 6 weeks.  Our property is not fenced.  I would like to do some training with Gavin to keep him within certain parameters of our property.  I would not let him outside unteathered and unsupervised, but when we are outside with him I want to be able to have him off-leash without him wandering into the bush, into the water or onto the road or other's property.  We have been working dileigently at obedience classes and I practice STOP with him obsessively in preparation for when he spots a rabbit, chipmunk, porcupine etc.  I do realize however, that over-coming prey instinct is a lofty goal, especially for a 7.5 month old GD.  Anyways any experience gladly accepted. 


Also if there are any fellow cottagers out there, please consider joining the Cottage Doodle group.  I think that cottage life will pose a number of challenges and fun times and I will need all the help I can get.  Thanks!


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Hi - We are happy with the system so far. Ours came installed with training, and that's the important part. We trained the dogs for three days with just the beep before turning on the fence. Now that it's on it seems to be working well, although I am not sure I would throw something over the boundary - my dogs would be conflicted - does she want me to stay or go??



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