Chewie has always been really great in the car. We always let him sit on the floor in the back seat of the car. Then I learned that was not the best idea, so we purchased a travel crate so that he would be more secure. Well I tried it four times and every sick time he was in the crate he got carsick. So we moved him back to the floor in the back seat. Well yesterday I went to take him in the car and now he is big enough to get on the back seat by himself and got sick all over my seat. Any suggestions on how to keep him on the floor and hopefully not get carsick??
Could do - it's worth a try and it will not do her any harm - if it's safe to give to children it must be ok - check with the vet I'm sure they answer your question.Hope we get it sorted - I'll let you know !!.Lesley UK XX
Hi travel sick pills called sea legs are a god send. Ozzie travels everywhere and really enjoys his car rides.
thanks to everyone who gave advice to me.
WOW! Yeah! Think I may try it with Tori too. Getting her in the car to take her to be groomed is starting to get ME so nervous that may I might start to get uhem.. diarrhea too - LOL ... Congratulations.